There is a 'colored pencil specialty store' in the corner of Iran's bazaar where you can buy colored pencils of all colors.
دنیای رنگی «دکتر مداد» | ایران آنلاین B2% D9% 85-% D8% A7% D9% 84% D8% AA% D8% AD% D8% B1% DB% 8C% D8% B1-% D8% AA% D9% 87% D8% B1% D8% A7% D9% 86
خبرگزاری آنا --دنیای مداد رنگی AF-% D8% B1% D9% 86% DA% AF% DB% 8C
The location of the colored pencil specialty store run by Mr. Rafi is here. It is located in a corner of the bazaar between the two mosques in Tehran.
This person is the manager Rafi.
Mr. Rafi has loved drawing and the colorful world since he was a child, and he originally worked for a company that manufactures colored pencils.
Mr. Raffy said, 'I imagined how beautiful colors could be created by combining colors, and how wonderful it would be if there were colored pencils that corresponded to all the colors produced, and worked hard with love and passion.' Talk to.
Then, around 1990, he opened Medad Raffy. Since then, he has been handling only colored pencils for 30 years.
Rafi said, 'Many children lose interest in the pencil case when one of their favorites is gone. However, by giving them the same colored pencils as their favorite, I'm a child. You can prevent our colorful world from being ruined. The passion and smiles of those who see colored pencils here are valuable to me. '
One day, when Rafi asked a man who buys cheap colored pencils every week why he bought it, he said, 'I don't have the money to send my son to a painting class, so I use the colored pencils I bought at Rafi's shop. I feel that my son, who inherited my wife's painting talent, will be an excellent painter, 'said the man, who painted Rafi's face in less than a minute with a black pencil.
'I promised the man to continue to provide colored pencils to nurture the art of his children,' Rafi said. 'Painting is an art that must be recognized and nurtured by others.'
In addition, an interview with Mr. Rafi is published on YouTube.
Iran Colorful Pencils shop, Mr. Mohammad Rafieh, Tehran traditional market فروشگاه مداد رنگي بازار --YouTube
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