Seven-limited 'Sou Chardonnay Sparkling' using 15% Chardonnay juice has a crispy texture and a refreshing acidity that pops in your mouth.

From Lotte's popular ice cream 'Sou' series, a new limited edition ' Sou Chardonnay Sparkling ', limited to Seven-Eleven, was released on July 13, 2021 (Tuesday). It is said that the crispy ice cream made from 15% of

Chardonnay juice, which is used as a raw material for white wine, contains SPARK LING chips that pop like sparkling wine bubbles. I was wondering what it tasted like, so I actually tried it.

Lotte Sou Chardonnay Sparkling | Seven-Eleven-Nearby and Convenient-

The package of 'Sou Chardonnay Sparkling' looks like this.

At the top right of the package, it says 'Splash! With Sparkling chips' and a glass of white grapes and sparkling wine is drawn.

Ingredients are Muscat juice (manufactured in Italy), sugar, water candy, ramune confectionery, vegetable oil, fructose, salt, etc.

Each calorie is 171 kcal.

I just opened the lid. The color of the ice cream is light green.

When you eat a bite, the scent of Muscat and the refreshing sweetness spread in your mouth. Thanks to the crispy texture and refreshing acidity peculiar to refreshing, the aftertaste is refreshing, and it can be said that it is a perfect frozen dessert for hot summer.

I could see the ramune kneaded in the cross section with the spoon. When you put the ramune in your mouth, it crumbles and gives you a simple sweetness and a crisp stimulus, so you can feel the image of sparkling wine.

'Sou Chardonnay Sparkling' can be purchased at Seven-Eleven stores nationwide from July 13, 2021 (Tuesday). The suggested retail price is 172.80 yen including tax. It is said that the quantity is limited, so it is recommended that those who are interested purchase it early.

in Tasting, Posted by log1i_yk