Yahoo!'S domestic trademark acquired by Yahoo !, a subsidiary of Z Holdings, for 178.5 billion yen

2021 July 5, 2006, the holding company, SOFTBANK Group Z Holdings under the umbrella of Yahoo is an American communications giant Verizon Communications from Japan Yahoo! and Yahoo! JAPAN acquired trademark rights associated with, such as technology licensing Announced that it has signed a contract to do so. Under this agreement, Yahoo will pay Verizon Communications $ 1.61 billion (about 178.5 billion yen).

Notice of conclusion of basic contract related to 'Yahoo Japan License Agreement' --Z Holdings Corporation

SoftBank pays $ 1.6 bln for Yahoo Japan rights | Reuters

Verizon sells Yahoo Japan license to Z Holdings for $ 1.6 billion

Yahoo, a subsidiary of Z Holdings, operates Yahoo! JAPAN, one of Japan's leading portal sites, and provides services such as 'Yahoo! Auctions', 'Yahoo! Shopping', 'Yahoo! News', and 'Yahoo! Search', as well as Softbank. We are engaged in businesses such as providing PayPay as a joint venture with.

However, the trademarks of Yahoo! and Yahoo! JAPAN are not owned by Yahoo !. Since 2017, when Verizon Communications acquired Yahoo !, the trademark rights and technology licenses for Yahoo! and Yahoo! JAPAN are owned by Verizon Communications' subsidiary Oath. Therefore, Yahoo has signed a 'Yahoo Japan license agreement' with Oath, paid royalties and used trademark rights and technology.

However, in 2021, Verizon Communications decided to sell Verizon Media Group, a media business that owns Oath. As a result, Yahoo has signed a new agreement with Oath and announced that it will be able to use related trademarks and technologies without royalties.

The outline of the contract is 'Acquisition of trademark rights in Japan related to Yahoo! and Yahoo! JAPAN' 'Acquisition of support related to the right to permanently use the target set of conventional technology licenses' 'Japan within the ZHD Group' 'Use of brand and use of technology in Japan', which includes the termination of 'Yahoo Japan License Agreement'. The amount to be paid to Oath is 178.5 billion yen, and the acquisition time is expected to be in the latter half of 2021 when the sale of Verizon Media is completed.

Although the 'Yahoo Japan License Agreement' has expired, the press release states that Yahoo will continue to maintain a cooperative relationship with Verizon Media in terms of business and technology.

in Note, Posted by log1h_ik