Butter-flavored ice cream and pineapple pulp go well together. I tried 'Sunny Pineapple Cake', 'Crazy About Mango' drowning in mango, and 'Annin Tofu', which is a perfect reproduction of authentic almond tofu.

'Sunny Pineapple Cake ', which is a combination of butter-flavored ice cream and a refreshing pineapple ribbon, and 'Crazy About Mango, ' which is a combination of mango ice, mango, sorbet, and mango flesh, will be available on Tuesday, June 1, 2021. Has appeared in Thirty One. I was curious about the compatibility of butter and pineapple and the taste of ice cream full of mango, so I actually tried it.

Thirty One Ice Cream June Flavor of the Month 'Sunny Pineapple Cake' | BR Thirty One Ice Cream


Crazy About Mango | Flavor | [BR Thirty One Ice Cream]

Arrived at Thirty One to get the ice cream you were looking for.

At the counter, three flavors of sunny pineapple cake, crazy about mango, and

almond tofu were introduced as 'Taiwan TASTE FLAVORS' ...

I ordered all three types.

The sunny pineapple cake looks like this. The cream-colored ice cream is mixed with a golden pineapple ribbon. The regular size calorie is 251 kcal.

When you actually eat it, you can taste the sweet and rich butter ice cream and the sweet and sour pineapple ribbon at the same time. In addition, butter cookies are mixed in the butter ice cream, so you can enjoy a cake-like texture like a cookie soaked in milk. Both butter ice cream and butter cookie have a strong sweetness, but the sweet and sour taste of the pineapple ribbon accentuated the taste, and I was able to eat it until the end.

Next, I'll try crazy about mango. You can see the flesh of mango in the orange mango ice cream. Regular size calories are 225 kcal.

When you put crazy about mango in your mouth, smooth mango ice cream, crispy mango sorbet, and mango pulp with a crunchy texture will jump into your mouth at the same time. All the elements that make up the ice cream are mango flavored, so this ice cream is recommended for people who just want to drown in mango!

Finally, I will eat almond tofu. White almond tofu flavored ice cream mixed with pineapple pulp and mango ribbon. The regular size calories are 211 kcal.

When you eat a bite, it has a taste that can only be called 'well-chilled almond tofu', and it is completely flavored with almond tofu except for the texture as ice cream. In addition, the flesh of pineapple and mango ribbon with rumbling accentuate the authentic almond tofu. It is an ice cream that perfectly reproduces the unique flavor of almond tofu, so it is recommended when you want to eat a different ice cream.

The reference price of Sunny Pineapple Cake and Crazy About Mango is 390 yen including tax, and it has appeared in Thirty One nationwide for a limited time from June 1, 2021 (Tuesday). In addition, the reference price of almond tofu is 390 yen including tax, and you can eat it for a limited time from April 28, 2021 (Wednesday).

in Tasting, Posted by log1o_hf