Google faces class action proceedings from more than 10,000 people, saying that 'women's salary was reduced by 1.8 million yen a year'

Google is reportedly facing a class action proceeding by former female employees to close the wage gap. Plaintiffs allege that Google
Google Women Suing Over Gender Bias Win Class-Action Status --Bloomberg
Google is now embroiled in a full class-action lawsuit over whether it underpaid women --The Verge lawsuit-former-google-women-class-action-gender-bias-pay-disparity
In 2017, women from former employees working at Google sued the company for violating equal pay for equal work. In this case, a San Francisco court ruled on May 27, 2021 that four plaintiffs were allowed to file a class action proceeding on behalf of approximately 10,800 female employees. ..

Women's lawyer Kelly Dermody said in a decision granting a class action 'Today was an important day for women working in Google and technology. We're proud. The court's decision shows that it's more important for companies to prioritize fair wages to women than to spend money in court proceedings with women. ' Did. According to Dermody, the class action proceedings approved by the court are expected to begin in 2022.
In a document submitted to the court in July 2020, the plaintiffs' women said, 'The company has paid $ 17,000 less basic salary, bonuses and shares to female employees than male employees in the same job. It has been claimed for damages totaling more than $ 600 million (about 65,962.8 million yen).
A Google spokeswoman told The Verge, an IT news site, 'We strongly believe that Google's policies and practices are fair. We also included gender gaps in our salaries. If we find a gap, we're making upward revisions to correct it. For example, in 2020 alone, Google will make upward revisions to salaries for a total of 2352 employees, for a total of 4.4 million. It went up to the dollar (about 483.62 million yen). '
Google has been continuously investigating internal wage inequality since 2012, and announced in 2019 that `` women received more salaries than men''. ..
Google found that women received more salaries than men for the same job-GIGAZINE

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