18 scientists request re-investigation of the new coronavirus 'Wuhan Institute of Violetism'

Wuhan investigation team of the World Health Organization (WHO) concluded that 'the possibility that the virus has been drawn through the Institute in Wuhan is difficult to extremely thought' single item for, the University of Chicago and the University of California, research institutions such as Harvard University Eighteen scientists from Harvard have requested a 're-investigation' in a major academic journal, Science.

Investigate the origins of COVID-19 | Science

More Scientists Urge Broad Inquiry Into Coronavirus Origins --The New York Times

Scientists from the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and Switzerland, led by Jesse D. Bloom, who belongs to the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, called for a re-investigation of the Wuhan Institute of Veterans Affairs of the new coronavirus. Name. From the standpoint of scientists with expertise in the new coronavirus, these 18 people are seeking a re-examination of the 'origin' of this pandemic.

Although the Chinese government has made a claim that 'the virus may have been carried from overseas through frozen foods and spread to humans,' the global mainstream of origin is from hosts such as bats. The 'wild animal origin theory' that humans are infected via an intermediate host, and the ' Wuhan Institute of Veterinary Medicine' that the new coronavirus was leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Veterinary Medicine in Wuhan, China, which is said to have been found for the first time. It can be said that there are two of the 'outflow theory'. However, in February 2021, the WHO Wuhan Research Team denied the Wuhan Institute of Violetage outflow theory as 'extremely unlikely' and indirectly supported the wildlife origin theory.

WHO Wuhan Research Team 'Low possibility of virus leakage from laboratory' | New coronavirus | NHK News

However, under the direction of the Chinese Communist Party, the WHO Wuhan Survey Team spent a lot of time inspecting facilities with strong publicity, such as an exhibition showing that the infection was successfully contained, and the new model. Data on the earliest cases of coronavirus infection (COVID-19) were not provided, and international public criticism was that 'the WHO investigation is problematic.'

China refuses to hand over unedited data to WHO's new Corona study team-GIGAZINE

Eighteen people, including Bloom, said that the 313-page report submitted by the WHO Wuhan Research Team 'has only four pages on the Wuhan Institute of Violet Emanationism.' He argued that the two theories, the wildlife origin theory and the Wuhan Institute of Violetism, were 'unbalanced.'

Eighteen people, including Bloom, said they should take each theory seriously until sufficient data were available, and WHO Executive Director Tedros Adhanom said on March 30, 2021 that 'the source has not yet been identified.' He commented that he supported the case in which he said he was considering re-dispatching the investigation team to Wuhan. On the other hand, there is a growing hatred for the Asian as a new coronavirus in such as the United States and the United Kingdom has spread from China problem the other hand, was to share with the world the important findings about the diffusion of 'virus, Chinese doctors and science People, journalists, citizens, and some of these people have made great personal sacrifices. '

in Science, Posted by darkhorse_log