Studies show that rinsing your mouth with pink water improves your running performance

Various studies have been conducted in recent years from the viewpoint of 'how to improve exercise performance?', And in 2019, the research result that '

drinking coffee improves exercise performance' was shown. I am. Meanwhile, a study published on May 12, 2021 showed that 'rinsing your mouth with a pink liquid improves your running performance.'

Frontiers | Mouth Rinsing With a Pink Non-caloric, Artificially-Sweetened Solution Improves Self-Paced Running Performance and Feelings of Pleasure in Habitually Active Individuals | Nutrition

Bizarre Discovery Suggests Pink Drinks Make People Run Faster, But Why?

A research team led by Daniel Brown of Loughborough University conducted an experiment in which six male and four female participants who are habitually exercising were asked to rinse their mouths with 'mouthwash' during exercise. .. The content of the experiment was to have the participants warm up for 10 minutes using a treadmill and run for a total of 30 minutes at 5-minute intervals. Was rinsed and examined for any changes in performance during exercise.

There are two types of 'mouthwash' prepared. However, although the participants were told that they were 'mouthwashes,' both were actually just sweet, nutrient-free water seasoned with artificial sweeteners. One of the two types of mouthwash was transparent and the other was colored pink with a colorant.

Participants ran for 5 minutes at a pace that felt 'tight (15)' out of the subjective exercise intensity (RPE) , which numerically expresses the subjective burden of exercise, and then rinsed their mouth with mouthwash for 5 seconds. I was instructed to do so. After that, I ran again at a pace that felt 'tight' and repeatedly rinsed my mouth. The experiment was conducted once a week, a total of three times, the first with 'just water' and the second two times, with each participant using one colorless and one pink mouthwash.

As a result of the survey, the total distance that 10 people ran in 30 minutes was 4019 to 5651 m when they poured their mouth with a colorless mouthwash, while 4252 when they rinsed their mouth with a pink mouthwash. It is said that the distance has increased a little to ~ 5842m. In addition, when participants self-evaluated their mood after running, 6 out of 10 said, 'I felt better when I rinsed my mouth with the pink liquid, and I felt like I could run longer.' thing.

'I think the placebo effect made the pink liquid feel sweeter than the clear liquid. The illusion that sweet water contains sugar, so I used pink water to eat it. The brain might have misunderstood that it had ingested sugar when it was rinsed. '

in Science, Posted by log1p_kr