Studies show that men wearing clothes with large logos are thought to be 'less interested in relationships and often cheating'

According to a study by Daniel Kruger of the University of Michigan, people wearing clothes with a large luxury brand logo are 'interested in short-term sexual relationships and less interested in long-term relationships.' It turns out that it is considered 'no'.
Phenotypic Mimicry Distinguishes Cues of Mating Competition From Paternal Investment in Men's Conspicuous Consumption --Daniel J. Kruger, 2021
Men wearing large logos seen as less interested in relationships, study says | Fashion | The Guardian
Psychology: Men who wear large logos on their shirts are seen as more PROMISCUOUS, study finds | Daily Mail Online
Mr. Kruger predicted that 'men who wear flashy clothes of luxury fashion brands will be more interested in men who seek wealth because their economic power will be appealed by clothes,' he said. We investigated whether it was related to the actual human appeal.
So Kruger showed 376 students at the University of Michigan a shirt with a large logo, a shirt with a small logo, and two Ralph Lauren shirts for men wearing these shirts. I asked some questions about what kind of impression they had.

Integrating the ratings of the students who were asked, the ratings for men wearing shirts with large logos were more interested in sexual activity than the ratings for men wearing shirts with small logos. The results show that they are highly interested in short-term sexual relationships and are not so interested in long-term and devoted romantic relationships. Regarding this evaluation, there was not much difference due to the gender difference of the evaluators.

In addition, men who wear shirts with a large logo were evaluated as 'frequently cheating', 'intentionally cheating with someone's lover', and 'dating multiple people at once'. On the other hand, men who wear shirts with a small logo are rated as 'wanting a closer relationship,' 'stable and reliable,' and 'suitable for having children.' ..

Also, from a question I asked to another group of 615 people, 'Wear a big logo when you want to show leadership.' 'When you have a job interview or meet your lover's parents for the first time, wear a small logo. It is also clear that many respondents said 'wear'.
'In the past, wearing luxury brand clothing has been associated with a person's status, but the purpose of wearing such clothing varies, and the size of the logo changes the perception of the surroundings. I found out. '
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in Science, Posted by log1p_kr