Butterflies that suck nectar also flock to 'corpses and feces'

Butterflies that fly in the air with colorful colors have been often used as subjects and designs since ancient times, and have an image that represents 'beautiful insects'. This image also plays a role in the fact that butterflies feed on nectar, but in reality, butterflies also feed on 'corpses and feces.'
Disgusting Butterfly Eating Habits | Butterfly Lady
The appearance of butterflies perched on beautiful flowers is familiar as the subject of paintings and photographs, but in reality, butterflies also like 'blood flowing from corpses' and 'animal droppings'. In fact, in the following movie, you can observe a butterfly sucking red-black blood flowing from a lizard's corpse.
Butterfly drinking blood --YouTube
It looks like this is how a kind of Pieridae, to which the cabbage white butterfly and Colias erate belong, are swarming in the elephant droppings.

Most of the butterflies have such a grotesque habit, 'male'. Male butterflies consume salt and amino acids to produce pheromones that attract females, so they tend to prefer blood and feces, which are rich in salt and amino acids. In addition to blood and feces, moist sand and mud also contain salt and amino acids, so in the woods and along riverbanks immediately after the rain, butterflies pierce the ground with a long, narrow straw-shaped mouth to provide nutrients. You can see the act of absorbing ' Mud-puddling'.

In addition to this, butterflies also like 'urine', so photographers who specialize in butterflies sometimes prepare 'corpses of peeing fish' for photography. Human urine is especially rich in salt, so it seems that butterflies are absorbed in drinking and can easily take pictures.
Also, since 'tears' and 'blood' are also rich in salt, a moth called Calyptra that pierces the skin of vertebrates like a mosquito and sucks blood, and a moth that stimulates the eyes to make a turtle cry. A butterfly called Dryas iulia that drinks tears has also been confirmed.

By amalavida.tv
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