Scientists locate mRNA sequences from COVID-19 vaccine left in bottles after vaccination and post to GitHub

The mRNA sequence of the new coronavirus vaccine '

mRNA-1273 ' made by Moderna was posted on GitHub by Stanford University biologist Andrew Fire and others. According to the research team, RNA vaccines can be easily sequenced using standard methods.

Assemblies-of-putative-SARS-CoV2-spike-encoding-mRNA-sequences-for-vaccines-BNT-162b2-and-mRNA-1273 / Assembly of putative SARS-CoV2-spike-encoding mRNA sequences for vaccines BNT-162b2 and mRNA-1273.docx.pdf at main · NAalytics / Assembly-of-putative-SARS-CoV2-spike-encoding-mRNA-sequences-for-vaccines-BNT-162b2-and-mRNA-1273 · GitHub of putative SARS -CoV2-spike-encoding mRNA sequences for vaccines BNT-162b2 and mRNA-1273.docx.pdf

Stanford Scientists Reverse Engineer Moderna Vaccine, Post Code on Github

The research team explained to the news site Motherboard that they did not 'reverse engineer' the vaccine, but posted the estimated sequences of two synthetic RNA molecules based on the samples they obtained.

The sample was obtained by collecting an empty container to be discarded after being used for vaccination at Stanford University and veterans with the permission of the FDA. According to the research team, next-generation sequencing technology that detects trace amounts of RNA was sufficient to assemble the coding regions of the two vaccine RNAs.

The research team explained why they published the mRNA sequence: 'As vaccines become more widespread, they are beginning to appear in many different studies and studies. Knowing this mRNA sequence is useful when analyzing future biomedical datasets. It is very useful because it makes it easier to distinguish it from other RNAs. '

In addition, just because the sequence is released does not mean that 'anyone can make a vaccine'.

This is not the first time that the new coronavirus vaccine has been reverse engineered. On December 25, 2020, PowerDNS founder Bert Hubert published the mRNA sequence of 'BNT162b2' developed by Pfizer.

Reverse Engineering the source code of the BioNTech / Pfizer SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine --Articles

in Note, Posted by logc_nt