A fierce man who mines Bitcoin with Game Boy appears, can be mined with 4 AA batteries

Game Boy, which appeared in 1989 and
Mining Bitcoin on the Game Boy --YouTube
Security researcher stacksmashing challenged Bitcoin mining with Game Boy. stacksmashing Mr., Mr. Elon Musk is the 'Tesla of the car is now available for purchase at Bitcoin' to Twitter was posted in the wake of that, things that Omoita' as 'trying to mine the bit coin'.

stacksmashing is considering purchasing a graphics board for use in Bitcoin mining. However, high-performance graphics boards suitable for Bitcoin mining were

So, instead of a high-performance graphics board, stacksmashing decided to mine Bitcoin using Game Boy, which is 'very high-performance hardware that is rolling around a lot.'

Internet connection is required for Bitcoin mining, but Game Boy does not have an internet connection function.

However, Game Boy has a communication port for communicating with other devices.
stacksmashing decided to connect the Game Boy to the Internet via

The device that stacksmashing prepared for Bitcoin mining on Game Boy looks like this. From left to right, 'Custom ROM with mining program installed', 'Raspberry Pi Pico', '

When all the above parts are combined, it looks like this. Now the hardware for mining Bitcoin is ready.

Next, stacksmashing created a mining program for

When you launch the customized Game Boy ...

First, the normal startup screen is displayed.

After that, the mining program started and Bitcoin mining started. Displayed at the top of the screen is the mining log output to the PC via the Raspberry Pi Pico.

In addition, stacksmashing publishes the created software on his GitHub repository .
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