People who changed their name to 'Salmon fish' continued in Taiwan, the cause was Sushiro's free campaign

In Taiwan, Sushiro, a conveyor belt sushi chain, conducted a campaign saying, 'People who have' salmon fish (meaning salmon in Chinese) 'in their name will be free to pay by presenting their ID.' About 150 young people across the country changed their names to include 'salmon fish.' The Taiwanese government has officially expressed concern over the sudden and unusual name change turmoil.
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The origin of the turmoil that Taiwanese local media called 'salmon chaos' was that Sushiro said, 'People who have' salmon fish 'in their name were present by submitting an ID card. It was a campaign that 'accounting will be free for up to 6 people per table'. At the same time, Sushiro is also conducting a discount campaign for people who have the same kanji as 'salmon' and 'fish', and this campaign was considered to be the centerpiece.
However, young people in Taiwan have begun to change their name to 'salmon fish' by taking advantage of this campaign, and they are eating sushi from Sushiro during the two days of the campaign period, March 17th and 18th, 2021. .. It is said that about 150 people have changed their names for the purpose of Sushiro's campaign, which is an unusual commotion even in Taiwan, where renaming is not uncommon.
Photographs of ID cards that actually contain 'salmon fish' are also published on local media and social media. It seems that this person has been renamed to 'Salmon Master'.

In addition, the name 'Salmon bowl rice (Salmon bowl)', 'Salmon fish chief (Salmon chairman)', 'High salmon fish (luxury salmon)', 'Salmon gang eats ruthlessly', 'Salmon fish king renamed' It is said that even the name of the descriptive text such as 'Ki 吃 吃 吃 壙 聢 茢 轢 耆 耆 耆 (the handsome salmon king changed the name because he doesn't want to lose money at Sushiro)' has appeared.

In Taiwan, it is stipulated that one person can change the name up to three times, and if you apply with an ID card, household register, seal or signature, face photo, etc., you will be charged for ID renewal and certificate copy. It seems that the name can be changed for a total of 80 Taiwan yuan (about 310 yen). When the Sushiro campaign is over, 80 Taiwan dollars will be required again to return to the original name, so the total amount required for the name change is 160 Taiwan dollars (about 610 yen). You can go as many times as you like during the campaign period, and the people who are present are free of charge, so it is an exceptional all-you-can-eat sushi fee.
However, Taiwanese officials are not happy with the series of name change turmoil. The Ministry of the Interior of Taiwan warned in a Facebook post that there is a risk that the name cannot be changed from 'Salmon Fish' inadvertently because each person can only change the name three times.
Taiwan's Deputy Permanent Secretary Chen Munehiko said, 'Such a name change not only wastes time, but also causes unnecessary paperwork.' 'Everyone hopes that this issue will be more rational.' He called on the people to take good care of administrative resources.
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