'Black Thunder Minibar Fragrant Fermented Butter' Tasting Review to Enjoy the Exquisite Compatibility of Fermented Butter and Rock Salt

Minibar type black thunder 'Black Thunder Minibar fragrant fermented butter ' with plenty of fragrant butter biscuits using French fermented butter will be released from March 22, 2021. By blending roasted almonds and Lorraine rock salt, it is said that it is finished as a sweet that you can taste 'a little special feeling', so I actually tried it and checked the taste.
Black Thunder Minibar Fragrant Fermented Butter Newly released at supermarkets and drug stores nationwide from March 22, 2021! | News | Yuraku Confectionery
https://www.yurakuseika.co.jp/news/%e3%83%96%e3%83%a9%e3%83%83%e3%82%af%e3%82%b5%e3%83%b3 % e3% 83% 80% e3% 83% bc% e3% 83% 9f% e3% 83% 8b% e3% 83% 90% e3% 83% bc% e9% a6% 99% e3% 82% 8b% e7 % 99% ba% e9% 85% b5% e3% 83% 90% e3% 82% bf% e3% 83% bc-2021% e5% b9% b43% e6% 9c% 8822 /
[New product] #Black Thunder Minibar Fragrant fermented butter
— Mr. Black Thunder (Yuraku Confectionery Official) (@Black_Thunder_) March 17, 2021
French ???????? Sakuhoro cookies using fermented butter and the mellow scent of charred butter coated with chocolate ????
Add Lorraine rock salt to the secret flavor to create richness ('-' *) ????
It will be on sale at supermarkets and drug stores nationwide from 3/22 (Monday)! ️ pic.twitter.com/V5H0msJfSv
The package of 'Black Thunder Minibar Fragrant Fermented Butter' looks like this. Illustrations of rock salt and fermented butter are drawn.
In the upper right corner of the package, it is emphasized that fermented butter and Lorraine rock salt are used.

The name is chocolate confectionery. There are two types of chocolate listed in the raw material name: chocolate and

The calorie per bottle is 66 kcal.

There were 12 individual packages in the package.
It is stated that the back of the individual wrapping contains allergens such as wheat, dairy ingredients, almonds, cashew nuts and soybeans.

'Black Thunder Minibar Fragrant Fermented Butter' looks like this.

When I measured the size, the long side was about 3.9 cm and the short side was about 2.2 cm.

When you cut it in half with a kitchen knife and look at the cross section, it looks like this. Contains butter biscuits and cocoa cookies familiar from the Black Thunder series.

When you put it in your mouth, you can feel the scent of fermented butter. The butter cookie was fragrantly baked and had a caramel-like flavor. Also, if you chew well, the Lorraine rock salt will melt on your tongue, and you can enjoy the salty taste and the sweetness of butter biscuits and chocolate.

'Black Thunder Minibar Fragrant Fermented Butter' is scheduled to appear in supermarkets and drug stores nationwide from March 22, 2021 for 324 yen including tax.
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in Tasting, Posted by log1o_hf