'Zine Machine' with a novel idea of 'printing a letterpress printing machine with a 3D printer' is now available for free

' Zine Machine ' that can be printed with letters and picture plates made with a 3D printer at

Printed Matter's Virtual Art Book Fair (PMVABF) , an online art fair where books containing contemporary art and rare books out of print are gathered. Has been exhibited and is open to the public in the public domain along with data for 3D printers.

zine-machine --PMVABF | Hi-Bred

To make a Zine Machine, first print the parts using the Zine Machine data published on GitHub.

After assembling the main body part ...

I will fit the block with the characters printed on it.

It was completed.

To print with Zine Machine, first set the paper in the frame part of the main body.

Then, after soaking the rollers with ink ...

Apply well.

Finally, if you close the main body and press it well ...

Printing is complete.

The finish looks like this.

With Zine Machine, you can also create custom plates for printing as well as letters and use them for printing.

You can print prints by making a plate with a thickness of '0 mm' for the white part and '3 mm' for the black part with software that can handle 3D graphics such as

Adobe Illustrator .

Gestalte Design , the publisher that announced Zine Machine, said that he made Zine Machine with a 3D printer called Prusa MK3S + .

The distributed data is optimized for Prusa MK3S +, but if it is a 3D printer with performance that does not cause warpage such as frame parts and a certain degree of accuracy, it seems that it can be output without problems.

in Hardware,   Design,   Art, Posted by log1l_ks