Malware 'The Great Suspender' disappeared from the Chrome Web Store, how to recover the tab that disappeared when the extension was deleted is this

If you have the popular Chrome extension 'The Great Suspender' that suspends inactive tabs and frees memory, you will now be prompted to remove it. If you delete it according to the guidance, you need to be careful when deleting because it is a specification that 'the tab that was paused will also disappear with wrapping'.
Malware? · Issue # 1307 · greatsuspender / thegreatsuspender · GitHub
The Great Suspender removed from Chrome for malware --9to5Google
Google just booted The Great Suspender from Chrome for being malware
Chrome is blocking The Great Suspender, here's how to get your tabs back --The Verge
The Great Suspender was used by more than 2 million people and was an extremely highly rated extension with a rating of 4 or more on the Chrome Web Store. However, after the ownership was transferred from the original developer in June 2020, code that calls external JavaScript etc. began to be embedded, and there were voices saying that it was 'malware'. ..
Pointed out that the extension 'The Great Suspender' for Chrome has become malware-GIGAZINE

And on February 5, 2021, Google removed The Great Suspender from the Chrome Web Store . In addition, Chrome has urged users of The Great Suspender to remove it by displaying a pop-up saying 'This extension contains malicious software'.
Great Suspender has become malware ...
— Kreus @ Avatar AR camera shooting app pre-distributed (FANBOX) (@kleus_balut) February 5, 2021
However, if you delete The Great Suspender, all the tabs paused by The Great Suspender will also disappear. As a result, users who have deleted The Great Suspender following the popup's guidance are saying, 'I want to restore the disappeared tabs.'
So, here's how to restore a tab that has actually disappeared. The latest version of The Great Suspender (v7.1.8) saves the tab by adding the string 'klbibkeccnjlkjkiokjodocebajanakg' to the URL when pausing. Therefore, if you search for this string 'klbibkeccnjlkjkiokjodocebajanakg' from 'History', a list of paused tabs will be displayed.
Since more than 100 tabs were open, restoration seems to be extremely difficult, but I was killed! !!
— Aki @ Indefinite suspension of activities (@ Akeyroid7) February 4, 2021
Or, the power of God is amazing ...!
However, to restore the original tab from here, you need to tweak the URL. For example, if the tab of ' ' was paused, it would be 'chrome-extension: //klbibkeccnjlkjkiokjodocebajanakg/suspended.html#ttl = (omitted) & uri = ' As you can see, the original URL is written under '& uri =' at the end, so you can extract it.
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