A descendant of Dante, known for 'Divine Comedy,' demands that the trial be redone, saying that 'the conviction that Dante received in 1302 AD was unjustified.'

The descendants of the Italian poet

Dante Alighieri , who produced works such as ' Divine Comedy ' and ' Reborn, ' have begun a campaign to redo the trial, saying that 'Dante's conviction in 1302 is unjustified.'

«Contro il mio avo Dante una condanna politica. Quel processo è da rifare»-Corriere.it

Dante's descendant seeks to overturn poet's 1302 corruption conviction | Dante Alighieri | The Guardian

Dante was born in the Italian city of Florence in 1265 and spends his time in Florence until his mid-30s. However, in 1301, Dante was accused of corruption by a black party supporting feudal aristocrats, even among the poperies who had Florence under his control, and was sentenced to fines and two years of expulsion from the city. Dante was dissatisfied with this and refused to appear in court in March 1302, so he was permanently banished from Florence and was burned at the stake when he returned to Florence.

In 2021, Dr. Selego Alighieri, a descendant of Dante and working at the Arcetri Astrophysical Observatory of the Italian National Institute of Astrophysics in Florence, said, 'The punishment imposed on my beloved ancestor Dante is unjustified. The decision was not revoked like Galileo Galilei , 'he said, calling for a redo of the trial.

According to the local newspaper Corriere della Sera, who reported the case, the Italian Code of Criminal Procedure provides that the final decision may be overturned if new evidence of the defendant's innocence is submitted. The retrial has no statute of limitations and can be done by the accused's heirs. Mr. Selego asked Alessandro Traversi, a professor of law and lawyer, for advice in order to ensure accuracy in the judicial procedure, and Mr. Traversi who heard Mr. Selego's allegation said, ' It would be interesting to see if the two stakes could be overturned in the light of the laws of the time and the current legal principles. '

Traversi and colleagues will hold a meeting of legal scholars, historians, linguists, etc. before starting the retrial process to examine all possible aspects. Margherita Cassano, Deputy Secretary of the Italian Supreme Court, and Antoine de Gabrielli, a descendant of the mayor of Florence, Cante de Gabrielli, who ruled Dante at the time, will also attend the meeting. The conference is scheduled to be held on May 21, 2021.

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