Compensation of 8.2 billion yen will be paid to 'brothers who have been imprisoned for more than 30 years for false accusations'

North Carolina, USA, was convicted of raping and killing an 11-year-old girl in 1983, and spent 31 years in prison for two half-brothers with intellectual disabilities for a total of $ 75 million. I decided to pay (yen). The two were released in 2014 after DNA testing revealed them to be innocent. This amount of compensation is reported to be the highest amount of compensation for false accusations in the state.
Robeson County, NC settles ex Death Row inmates' civil case | Raleigh News & Observer
North Carolina jury awards $ 75m to brothers wrongly convicted of 1983 murder | North Carolina | The Guardian

Henry McCollam, a black male brother who was imprisoned for false accusations in 1983 as a criminal in a rape murder case, eight juries attending a civil rights proceeding in North Carolina on May 14, 2021. And Leon Brown have decided to pay 31 million dollars (about 3.4 billion yen) each as compensation damages. That's $ 1 million a year for the 31 years they were imprisoned. In addition,
In response to this decision, Mr. McColam said in tears in front of the court, 'I thank God.' Elliott Abrams, one of McCawlam's lawyers, said, 'Jurys who examined all evidence, including unjustly hidden evidence, found McCollam Brown to be innocent. They admitted that they had been treated unbearably and unfairly, and, at a later date, did what the judiciary had to do to correct it. '
Mr. McCollam (left) and Mr. Brown (right) wipe their tears in front of their house. The woman in the middle is Geraldine Brown, their sister.

According to lawyers, McColam was 19 and Brown was 15 when he was arrested for the rape murder. Both men confessed been forced by the police, but has been housed in a prison sentenced to death, another man is that it's a criminal by DNA testing
Imprisoned in 1983, McCorlam spent 31 years in prison as a convict on death row before being released in 2014 after being proved innocent, making him the longest-serving convict on death row in North Carolina. Brown was later commuted from the death penalty to life imprisonment, but developed a mental illness resulting from prison life.
On May 15, the federal civil rights proceedings filed by Mr. McCollam's lawyers were partially terminated, and the defendant Robson County Sheriff's Office raised $ 9 million. Both sides agreed to pay. In 2017, the city of Red Springs also agreed to pay $ 1 million.

Mr. McCollam and Mr. Brown, who are intellectually disabled, will have a guardian who manages financially. In addition, Mr. Brown, who suffers from mental illness, seems to be living with full-time care in a group home after his release.
'I've got freedom, but there are still a lot of innocent people in prison, they should be there,' McCawlam told The News & Observer, a local newspaper in North Carolina. Not. '
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