'T-Paper', a speaker that looks like paper, is developed

The ' T-Paper ' speaker, which can print on both sides in color and looks like ordinary paper, was developed at
Paper-Embedded Roll-to-Roll Mass Printed Piezoelectric Transducers --Schmidt ---- Advanced Materials --Wiley Online Library
Surround sound from lightweight roll-to-roll printed loudspeaker paper
The T-Paper looks like this. It is said that 90% of the whole is made of conventional paper, so even if it is called a speaker, it looks like ordinary paper.

In the following movie, project manager Georg C. Schmidt explains how T-Paper was developed.
T-Paper was developed at Chemnitz University of Technology as part of a 20-plus-year-old development project for printed electronics. In 2015, Chemnitz University of Technology developed the book ' T-Book ' made of paper speakers, but the paper speakers used in the T-Book are 'ordinary paper layers' and 'conductive organic'. It has a two-layer structure of 'polymer layer', and it was necessary to make each one by hand.

With T-Paper,

You can also connect several T-Papers to create a surround environment. In the image below, seven T-Papers are connected to form a 360-degree audio system. The total weight including the circuit is only 150g.

'T-Paper enables low-cost information display in museums, trade fairs, the advertising industry, etc. It can also be installed in corridors to provide a uniform acoustic experience,' Schmidt said. I have high hopes that T-Paper will be used for various purposes.
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