Free commercial use, modification, embedding in the web, 8 paid fonts of Fontworks to Google Fonts

Google offers free web fonts '

Google Fonts ', but font production company Fontworks has announced that it will release 8 fonts, which are usually offered for a fee, for free on Google Fonts. Along with this, 8 typeface TTF files are available for free download and can be used for commercial purposes.

We provided all 8 typefaces such as display typefaces to 'Google Fonts'

The following 8 typefaces were released for free.

◆ 1: Rampart EB (Google Fonts name / Rampart)

◆ 2:

Klee One Regular (Google Fonts name / Klee)

◆ 3:

Klee One SemiBold (Google Fonts name / Klee)

◆ 4:

Railway B (Google Fonts name / Train)

◆ 5: Stick B (Google Fonts name / Stick)

◆ 6:

Reggae B (Google Fonts name / Reggae)

◆ 7:

Rock and Roll DB (Google Fonts name / RocknRoll)

◆ 8:

Dot Gothic 16 M (Google Fonts name / DotGothic16)

I haven't found the above 8 typefaces on

Google Fonts yet. If you want to use fonts, download the TTF file from the GitHub page below.

Fontworks Inc. · GitHub

Click each font name to download ...

Open the file 'font / ttf'.

Then click the ttf file name.

Press 'Download' to download locally.

The font can be used for personal use, commercial use, embedding in software, embedded in the web, modified, and distributed with the SIL Open Font License . However, it is necessary to specify the license, and if you modify it, you cannot include the original font name in the font name, and you need to specify that you modified it.

in Design, Posted by darkhorse_log