More than 200 scientists and doctors request to increase vitamin D intake to combat coronavirus

There is no way to say, 'This way you won't get infected with the new coronavirus,' but at least low levels of vitamin D make you more susceptible to the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) and more likely to become severe. To be sure, more than 200 scientists and doctors have issued public letters calling for an immediate increase in vitamin D intake.

# VitaminDforAll: 100+ Authorities Call For Vitamin D To Combat COVID19

As of April 2020, it was pointed out that people who are prone to severe illness when infected with COVID-19 are deficient in vitamin D.

Research results show that critically ill patients with the new coronavirus are deficient in vitamin D-GIGAZINE

Although some nutritionists

have been concerned about the side effects of high doses of vitamin D , subsequent clinical trials have shown that vitamin D has the effect of reducing the severity of COVID-19.

Clinical trials show that 'vitamin D' reduces the severity of the new corona-GIGAZINE

This call is to 'all governments, public health authorities, doctors and healthcare professionals.'

In particular,
・ To reduce the risk of COVID-19, the recommended blood concentration of 25-hydroxyvitamin D is 30 ng / ml (70 nmol / l).
-Although not clinically tested, it is recommended that adults take 4000 IU (100 μg) of vitamin D daily, at least 2000 IU (50 μg).
・ For people who are at high risk of vitamin D deficiency, such as obese people, people with dark skin, and people in nursing care facilities, it is recommended to double the intake.
If you have not yet received the above dose, you should continue to receive 10,000 IU (250 μg) daily for 2-3 weeks or until your blood level of vitamin D reaches 30 ng / ml. After that, it is recommended to receive the above amount.
• Measure 25-hydroxyvitamin D blood levels in all COVID-19 patients and treat dysfunction below 30 ng / ml with vitamin D2 or vitamin D3 administration.
The content.

There are various factors that cause infection with the new coronavirus, such as age, gender, and pre-existing illness, but there is already a lot of evidence that 'vitamin D deficiency' is affecting the severity of COVID-19. It is a risk factor that can be dealt with easily and quickly. Also, the cost is low.

For this reason, the letter is in bold and says, ' Please act immediately .'

in Science, Posted by logc_nt