Are there any 'nonimmigrants' in humanity?
In modern science, it is believed that
Is anyone on Earth not an immigrant? | Live Science
The Khoekhoe race is a general term for two ethnic groups, the Khoekhoe and the San people , who live in Southern Africa, and is also known as a person who manipulates the Khoisan languages, which are characterized by click consonants that sound like tongues.
by Ian Beatty
Austin Reynolds, an anthropologist at Baylor University in Texas, told Live Science that 'from a scientific point of view,'nonimmigrants' may be the only group of people who speak the Khoisan languages of Southern Africa. Maybe. '
According to Reynolds, there are two main factors that indicate that the Koisan race may be a descendant of nonimmigrants. The first is 'living in an area where humans are most likely to be born first' and the second is 'having a very diverse gene'.
Reynolds said that high genetic diversity is the basis for nonimmigrants: 'Imagine a bowl of M & M's colorful chocolates. A handful of chocolates taken out of the bowl, separated from the first human beings. The group of people may contain only a few colors of chocolate, but the original bowl should contain colorful chocolates. '
However, the Koisan race is not determined to be the only 'nonimmigrant' of humankind. This is because there is a theory that human beings were born in Southern America, where the Koisan race lives, and that East Africa and West Africa are the origin of human beings.
Mark Stoneking, a molecular geneticist at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Germany, is one of the scholars who has a different view than Reynolds. 'Whether fossils remain or not depends on the environment, such as geology, so just because a fossil of a human ancestor is found in a particular place does not mean that the ancestor of humans was born there.' Pointed out. From a scientific point of view, 'nonimmigrants' do not remain on Earth, as all people, including the Cosine race, move and interact with each other.
According to Mr. Stone King, it is estimated that human beings born in Africa spread throughout Africa for nearly 100,000 years and then advanced to the southeast along the Indian coast via the Middle East. However, it is believed that not only the first immigrants were scattered from Africa to the world, but the waves of immigrants repeatedly rushed to various parts of the world, and exchanges and genetic mating progressed each time.
From this, Mr. Stone King pointed out that 'movement and mixing are the characteristics of humankind.' 'It seems that humans have loved moving and having sex since ancient times,' he said.
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in Science, Posted by log1l_ks