A new Nazca Lines can be found, and it is talked about like a cat drawn by a kindergarten child

by AP: Peru Ministry Of Culture / Jhony Islas

Peru Nazca plains '

Nazca Lines ' was flourished in the second century BC to 8 century Nazca culture has been that the people of drew. It is reported that a new giant cat-like painting was found as a ground painting of Nazca.

Ministerio de Cultura anuncia descubrimiento de geoglifo en la Pampa de Nasca | Gobierno del Perú

Huge cat found etched into desert among Nazca Lines in Peru | Peru | The Guardian

The Nazca Lines were first discovered by American archaeologist Paul Kosok in 1939 and are a World Heritage Site. In recent years, new paintings have been found frequently, and in 2019 it was announced that IBM's AI had found 143 new ground paintings.

IBM's AI succeeded in finding the undiscovered 'Nazca Lines', and the 143 points found are like this --GIGAZINE

The Ministry of Culture of Peru announced on October 15, 2020 that a new painting was found during the restoration work of the ground painting. The picture is below.

by Jhony Islas / AP

This ground painting, which looks like a feline, is located on a steep slope and is said to have almost disappeared when it was discovered by archaeologists and engineers who were present at the construction. Therefore, when the Ministry of Culture of Peru carried out cleaning and maintenance work, it became possible to clearly see a cat with a total length of about 37 meters drawn by a line with a width of 30 to 40 cm.

According to the Peruvian Ministry of Culture, due to the stylistic characteristics of this cat's painting, the Nazca Lines were painted in the late Paragus, 400-200 BC, before the famous monkey painting. I'm estimating. It is said that cats similar to this geoglyph are often found in ceramics and textiles in the late Paragus period.


Diego Delso

Archaeologist Johnny Isla, chief conservationist of the Nazca Lines , told EFE News , a Spanish news agency, 'Recently, drones have been able to shoot the ground from very low altitudes. This has helped me a lot in discovering new ground paintings. '

Although it is 2000 years ago from the present age, there are various opinions on the Internet regarding this Nazca Lines, which has a slightly sloppy impression as a Nazca Lines where very elaborate animal paintings have been found. Impressions are rising.

A thread on the online bulletin board Reddit dealing with this discovery said, 'I'm saying this, but it seems more like a modern prank than an ancient one. The Nazca Lines are very stylized. is what has been, but the as long as the photos that this cat is it looks like a picture of kindergarten children ', doubt the authenticity comment other there is ......

Hacker News, a social news site, reminds me of ' Nyan Cat, ' which was announced on YouTube in 2011 as 'the fifth most viewed movie in the world,' so I thought 'Nyan Cat! At first, it's a fake.' underneath is, it seems like the real thing. possibly, this may be the original Nyan Cat. I of the ancient hacker, 'such as comments There was also.

In addition, the free material site ' Irasutoya ', which is known to quickly turn topics and trends into illustrations, has released illustrations of the cat's ground paintings found this time.

in Science,   Creature, Posted by log1l_ks