It turns out that the latest Apple Watch does not come with a 'USB power adapter', iPhone 12 may be similar

Apple unveiled the latest model of the Apple Watch

at a new product launch event held on September 16, 2020. At the same time, he revealed that 'some of the new Apple Watch will not have a USB power adapter.' Apple explains why, 'to reduce the burden on the environment.'

Apple is still bundling a power adapter with new Apple Watch Edition and Hermès --The Verge

The latest model of Apple Watch 'Apple Watch Series 6' and the entry model 'Apple Watch SE' announced by Apple at the event on September 16 are described in detail in the following articles.

'Apple Watch Series 6' is now available, allowing you to measure blood oxygen levels on your wrist-GIGAZINE

Affordable model 'Apple Watch SE' in the 20,000 yen range is now available on Apple Watch-GIGAZINE

During a new product launch event, Apple announced that the Apple Watch Series 6 and Apple Watch SE will not come with a USB power adapter.

The IT news site The Verge said of the change, 'When the USB power adapter is gone, new Apple Watch users will not be able to charge with the device that plugs into the power supply, but instead will receive a custom Apple Watch cable that charges wirelessly. The only charging part that comes with the Apple Watch is the magnetic charging cable , he said.

According to The Verge, Apple's Vice President of Environmental, Policy and Social Initiatives, Lisa Jackson, explains why she doesn't include a USB power adapter 'to reduce its impact on the environment.' is.

However, it has been pointed out that consideration for the environment is only a superficial reason. Mark Gaman, who is a reporter for the business magazine Bloomberg in Twitter, 'models and the Apple Watch titanium case, Hermes Apple Watch Hermès is considered to still get the power adapter that is a collaboration model with. In other words, more expensive It means that the power adapter will be maintained in the new version, so it may be a cost-driven change rather than the environment. '

Garman also posted a tweet suggesting that the iPhone 12, which will be announced in October 2020, may not come with a USB power adapter.

For some time, it has been reported that the iPhone 12 may not come with a power adapter or earphones.

Apple may not ship earphones or adapters to iPhone 12-GIGAZINE

in Hardware, Posted by log1l_ks