Headline News on September 7, 2020

This article, originally posted in Japanese on 18:30 Sep 07, 2020, may contains some machine-translated parts.
If you would like to suggest a corrected translation, please click here.

To commemorate the release of the movie version of 'Kimetsu no Yaiba' infinite train from October 16th (Friday), 2020, Fuji on October 10th (Sat) and 17th (Sat) for two consecutive weeks. 'Kimetsu no Yaiba' [Brother and Sister Bond] [Nada Spider Mountain Edition] will be broadcast on TV / Saturday Premium.

[Kimetsu no Yaiba] is an edited version of episodes 1 to 5 of the anime that was screened in theaters for a limited time before the start of TV broadcasting in April 2019. A boy named Sumijiro, whose family was killed by a demon and whose only surviving sister, Kaedeko, was turned into a demon, took the opportunity to meet Yoshiyuki Tomioka, a swordsman of the 'demon slaughter corps'. The part that will enter the 'murder squad' is drawn.

[Nada Spider Mountain Edition] is an episode equivalent to episodes 15-21 of the anime. Sumijiro, Zeni, and Inosuke will fight for death at Nada Spider Mountain, where the spider family overwhelms the demon slaughterers.

In addition, in the Kanto local area, the broadcast of episodes 6 to 14 and 22 to 26 has been decided under the title of 'All Concentration! Animation' Kimetsu no Yaiba 'Broadcast' [Tanjiro Kamado] It will be a broadcast that covers all of.

Movie version 'Kimetsu no Yaiba' infinite train edition This notice will be released on October 16, 2020 (Friday) --YouTube


By the way, I posted this article on the same day of the same month in the past.

Finally, the final event of 'Sky F1' Red Bull Air Race Chiba 2019 has finally begun, and the venue looks like this --GIGAZINE

'Tsundoku How Match' that you can check the total amount of 'Tsundoku' books that you bought but haven't read

What is the 'lottery winning method' practiced by a man who won the lottery 14 times? --GIGAZINE

How to make a NES game of only '40KB' --GIGAZINE

Attempts to decipher the 'Voynich Manuscript', what is really written in the 'World's Most Mysterious Book'? --GIGAZINE

Is it normal to get sexually excited by feet, body fluids, inanimate objects, etc.? --GIGAZINE

7 Strategies for Successful Psychological Social Media Marketing-GIGAZINE

A traveler who has conquered 196 countries in the world over 50 years talks about 'the most difficult country to get a visa in the world' --GIGAZINE

I tried nomading in Cambodia, which is attracting attention as an investment frontier --GIGAZINE

'Earthquake hazard chart' that tells you the degree of earthquake risk from the ground information of the specified place --GIGAZINE

15 strange beaches in the world that you will see twice involuntarily --GIGAZINE

Free software 'Disk Pulse' that monitors files and folders and keeps recording all operations such as creation, modification, renaming, and deletion --GIGAZINE

◆ Neta (memo, etc.)

A story that if an abnormal single man assaults a high-class pasta store, it will be dangerous-new drug history view

◆ Science (Science / Academic / Technology)

Ask the grasshopper forecaster The reason for the abnormal breeding is the desert cyclone: Asahi Shimbun Digital

◆ Society / Politics / Economy (Case / World News / Business)
Coates IOC Coordinating Committee Chairman, Intention to Hold Tokyo Olympics 'Regardless of Corona': Jiji.com

Tokyo Olympics, the largest holding cost in history Research at Oxford University, UK | Kyodo News

Victims of sexual crimes anonymously consider amending the Code of Criminal Procedure in indictment Ministry of Justice --Mainichi Shimbun

A self-proclaimed 'black' professor at a U.S. university confesses racial misrepresentation that was actually white-BBC News

Developmental disability, mask difficulty 56% Hyperesthesia, communication issues | Kyodo News

JNN poll, Cabinet approval rating 62.4% | TBS NEWS

Dentsu's company name does not appear Reason why the contractor, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry does not mention: Asahi Shimbun Digital

Government guarantee for Nissan loan 130 billion yen Unusual largest ever: Asahi Shimbun Digital

#Yamayurien Incident is over? Asking about welfare: 'I thought this would happen someday' 'Abuse' behind the premonition of a former employee --Mainichi Shimbun

Mother 'I thought it was okay to put on a cooler' 2 Girl abandoned death: Asahi Shimbun Digital

Trying to get rid of flies ... Blow away part of your home France-BBC News

Kakei Gakuen to change entrance examination for veterinary school 'Shikoku frame' Okayama University of Science, applicants are sluggish --Mainichi Shimbun

Kobe Shimbun NEXT | Comprehensive | New corona, infection cancellation one after another Difference in inspection method accuracy

Los Angeles, USA 49 degrees, call for curbing power usage, the highest ever | Kyodo News

Los Angeles, USA 49.4 degrees Highest ever power usage curbing call for wildfire expansion-Mainichi Shimbun

[Video] Wind power generation facility blades break Kagoshima Minamisatsuma | Typhoon No. 10 damage | NHK News

Corona deaths surge in winter, 30,000 people a day worldwide in December-IHME latest forecast-Bloomberg

'Osaka City will be abolished' clearly stated on the Osaka Metropolis Plan Referendum Form. If the general election is to be dissolved, the schedule can be advanced.

'Prime Minister Suga' is more than the Abe administration, 'media measures will be taken thoroughly', a constitutional scholar (1/5) <dot.> | AERA dot.

Mr. Suga's policy is to rehash the Abe administration or to summarize the 'negative heritage' --Mainichi Shimbun

◆ Lifestyle (life / life / health)

Maybe Japanese kids feel unhappy ...: Far East Blog

The mechanism of consultation will change. 'If you have a fever, call a nearby medical institution.' Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare --Mainichi Shimbun

Somehow a request comes to a web designer who is not good at designing as a compliment ... People who are convinced of the reason 'Better than good at making' --Togetter

Does a stranger look at Bruna's painting as 'easy to draw'? Some people say, 'It's easy because there are few lines, isn't it?' --Togetter

'With my luggage ...' The train departing at 12:57 departed as early as 5 minutes at 12:52 → 'Early departure' is actually a serious problem --Togetter

◆ IT / Gadgets (Net / Soft / Hard / Mobile)
There have been multiple cases of unfamiliar withdrawals from a bank account under the name of 'Dokomokoza' ... What is happening? --Togetter

Urgent Post Information | The 77 Bank

Information | docomo account

'One star' posted on Amazon Unusual criminal punishment for client: Asahi Shimbun Digital

AWS Official 'Building Modern Web Applications' Hands-on Hamari-Qiita

I'm not saying 'this is a revolution', but Stripe's Firebase Extensions are a must-see as it's super easy to subscribe to web services.

Machiyama-san's post and signature freedom obstruction crime | Hideo Ogura | note

Why knowledge organization is essential for learning UX: could

Summarize the points to be aware of and the good things to do about troubleshooting of Web applications --stefafafan has three fas

◆ Anime / Game / Manga (subculture)
The second PV of the TV anime 'Jujutsu Kaisen'

TV Anime 'The Rising of the Shield Hero' Season2 1st PV | 2021 ON AIR

[IWGP] TV animation 'Ikebukuro West Gate Park' PV 2nd

The first PV of the TV anime 'The Hidden Dungeon'

[Phase 2] 'The Irregular at Magic High School Visitors Edition' 2nd PV

The second PV of the TV anime 'It's fun every day to keep both dogs and cats'

TV anime 'You and my last battlefield, or the holy war where the world begins' Episode 1 Part A [Special cut version] Preceding video

TV animation 'Cells at Work! BLACK' 1st CM (15 seconds) │ January 2021 broadcast start

'Cells at Work! BLACK' 1st PV │ January 2021 broadcast start

[Dereste] 5th Anniversary CM Yui Otsuki [Idol Master]

'Gotham Knights' Hero Trailer

Judges' Issues at Game Planning Contest PERACON-Older Programming

Dereste MV [# Dereste 5th Anniversary] First Half-Nico Nico Douga that ends immediately if you get bald

Dereste MV [# Dereste 5th Anniversary] Second Half-Nico Nico Douga

Serve Apple Serve-Nico Nico Douga

Genteberungo no Uta-Nico Nico Douga

[Must be evaluated more] Video introducing the song of Eating Lango 14 Appo --Nico Nico Douga

◆ Sports / Entertainment / Music / Movies (Entertainment)

Click here for the difference in goals scored by the 12 Central League teams (at the end of 9/6): Daily Yakiu Bulletin @ Baseball Summary

Lotte fans gather because Katsuki and giant Sawamura are trading! !! : Summary Lotte!

◆ New products (clothing, food, housing)
(PDF file) Add the crispy texture of apples to the raw lemon '1 whole'! 'Marugoto! Lemon Ginger Ale with Fuji Apple Sauce' New Release- 'Fuji Apple Ginger Ale (with 2.1% Domestic Apple Flesh)' Released at the same time

in Headline, Posted by logc_nt