'Mario's nipples have disappeared'

When Nintendo released one image as a visit to the summer, it became a hot topic on the Internet as ' Mario's nipple disappeared .'

Nintendo, It Seems, Has Removed Mario's Nipples


In 2017, when the shirtless Mario appeared in Nintendo Direct, which announced details about Nintendo Switch's `` Super Mario Odyssey '', Mario's nipple got attention of fans all over the world ..

``Mario's nipples'' get more attention than ever before-GIGAZINE

From the magnitude of the reaction, Mr. Yoshiaki Koizumi, who was a producer at Super Mario Odyssey, officially commented 'I was surprised because I did not think there was such a reaction'. ..

Koizumi producer answers about ``Mario's nipple problem'' and ``Is the question of whether Kinopio's is a head or a hat''-GIGAZINE

It is a topic that Mario's nipples have disappeared.

The trigger was triggered by the following tweet from Nintendo of America, Nintendo's American corporation. My nipple has disappeared from Mario lying on the beach....

In the reply section of this tweet, there were many comments sad that Mario's nipple disappeared, 'Where did Mario's nipple go? Where did Mario's nipple go? Such as '...

'This Mario has no nipples, so this is not real Mario.'

Many voices mourn the loss of nipples, such as 'Where did Mario's nipples go, Nintendo?'

'I fixed it!', even people who add nipples to Mario appeared.

However, there is also a tweet from Mario's nipple disappearing affirmatives saying that “Mario should not have a nipple”.

Nintendo has released an illustration of Mario in a similar situation in the past, but you can see Mario's nipples perfectly in that illustration.

In addition, Super Mario Odyssey is not the first game in which Mario's nipples were lifted, and at the ' Mario & Sonic AT Rio Olympics ' released in 2016, Mario's Miiverse stamp with nipples drawn is sold. I will.

In addition, Kotaku of overseas game media seems to have contacted Nintendo about the case where Mario's nipple disappeared, but it is said that no comment was obtained at the time of article creation.

in Game, Posted by logu_ii