The world's first government has established a 'algorithm charter' appears

The New Zealand Government has enacted a new Charter on Algorithmic Decision Making. The government claims that 'it became the world's first government to develop standards for algorithms that are driving decision making in all areas of public life.'
Algorithm charter for Aotearoa New
New Zealand claims world first in setting standards for government use of algorithms | New Zealand | The Guardian
Govt agencies sign up to new public sector algorithm charter-Reseller News
In recent years, computer programs and AI have come to be used in all industries and fields including law enforcement agencies, welfare institutions, and health institutions. However, there is a strong argument that programs and AI make inaccurate and discriminatory decisions, and the algorithms underlying programs that process information have become controversial.
The fact that AI's ancestor ``document selection algorithm'' was also racial and female discriminatory-GIGAZINE

For such algorithms, the New Zealand government has established the world's first 'Algorithm Charter'. The Algorithm Charter promises to improve data transparency and accountability when algorithms are used to process and interpret large amounts of data. The charter identifies the biases that exist in algorithms, confirms that the data used is fit for purpose, confirms that the algorithm is not against privacy, ethics, and human rights. Commitments are specified for various means of establishing sound use of the algorithm, including explicit description of roles.
At the time of enactment, 21 New Zealand administrative agencies, such as the Ministry of Education, Ministry of the Environment, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Transportation, Ministry of Social Welfare, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, signed. It should be noted that the decision on important considerations such as ' Māori data sovereignty ', which stipulates that data should be handled so as to protect the rights and interests of Maori , an indigenous people of New Zealand, is complicated and requires individual consideration. It is clarified that the problem in does not fit the algorithm charter.
The New Zealand government has been using algorithms since 2016 for the visa application process. However, the algorithm for the visa application process was accused of 'existing filtering based on age, gender, and ethnicity' and was claimed to be discriminatory. In response to such criticism, the enactment of the Algorithm Charter will establish a method for evaluating data analysis based on algorithms, and ensure transparency and fairness in determining algorithms that can affect citizens. It is because it was asked.
'We have enacted a charter to ensure New Zealanders are confident that their data is being used safely and effectively,' said James Shaw, Minister of Statistics, 'We live in a data-rich world, Algorithms play an important role in identifying vast amounts of data connections, relationships, and patterns. They help improve decision-making and benefit the rapid delivery of public services.” I told you.
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