The New Zealand government releases a commercial about a naked porn actress & actor visiting home and talks about it

The New Zealand government has released a commercial about naked porn actresses and actors visiting a quiet residential area, which has become a hot topic. It's a glimpse of a commercial, but it's a message that you'll be convinced of when you see it to the end.

Keep It Real Online-Pornography-YouTube

Nude men and women in a quiet house. When a woman knocks...

A woman, who may have just risen from the morning shower, heads to the front door.

A woman who is the owner of the family who opens the door while smiling.

……But that expression soon becomes rigid.

What appeared in front of a woman were men and women who were not concentric. 'Hi, I'm Sue. Here is Derek' and black hair women will Hanashidashi cheerful. 'We came here because your son was watching us online.'

The landlord woman is upset...

'Matt! Someone is coming to see you,' yells into the back of the house.

'So... did he see you?'

'Yeah. Laptop, iPad, PlayStation, his smartphone, your smartphone, smart TV, projector.'

'We're usually adults, but aren't they children? So don't think you'll know what the 'human relationship' really is.'

'We didn't get your consent, right?'

“I don't do it that way in real life, either.” So, they seem to have come to explain the difference between reality and fiction.

Matt Boy appeared in one hand with the laptop.

'Hi, Matt' and women are consistently deceptive.

On the other hand, Matt Boy drops the plate.

The woman who saw everything closed her eyes...

'OK, Sandra. Calm down and you'll know what to do,' telling yourself...

'Okay, Matt. It's time to talk about the difference between what you see online and what you're doing in real life. I'm not blaming it!'

Matt Boy remains solid...

Porn actress & actor hand-signed as 'Good Luck'.

So, the movie was made to evoke that 'online behavior may affect the real world'. ``When faced with these issues, parents should be proud when they face these problems. The best way to keep your child safe is to have them,'' said Hillary Nan Kee, spokeswoman for Motion Sickness, the advertising agency that created the commercial. ``So you don't have to answer everything, but giving an'adult-by-adult' guidance to help your child and navigate an online world with only partial information makes a big difference,'' he said. ..

New Zealand government deploys nude'porn actors' in web safety ad | World news | The Guardian

New Zealand government uses'Porn Actors' in ad campaign on cyber safety | Fox News

According to a report in December 2019, young people in New Zealand are using porn movies to learn about sexual activity. 'In many of these movies, female partners usually hate saying 'no' at the beginning, but are comforted by men and reluctant,' said David Shanks, a New Zealand censorship organization NZ Classification Office . , The actress is portrayed as enjoying sexual contact, and in 99% of these movies women are delighted.The theme that this 'no' becomes 'yes' is to encourage young people and coercion. Often it matters, depending on who you like.'

According to the survey, about one-quarter of the porn movies have affection with partners, and only 3% of condom use was depicted.

The New Zealand government is considering restricting pornographic access online, and House of Representatives Tracy Martin argues that restricting access to harmful content by children is a ``priority''. ..

in Video, Posted by darkhorse_log