Google Chrome 84 official release, shortcut menu added to home screen icon

The latest stable version of the web browser ' Google Chrome ', version 84.0.4147.89, has been released. Updates such as opening the shortcut menu from the icon of the page added to the home screen and adding an API for more detailed animation control have been made.
New in Chrome 84 | Web | Google Developers
New in Chrome 84: App Shortcuts, Web Animations, Wake Lock, and lots more!-- YouTube
◆ Shortcut menu is added to the icon
Added the ability to open a shortcut menu when adding a link to a website on the home screen. You can call the menu by right-clicking on the PC and long-pressing on Android.

What kind of shortcut menu is displayed can be set by the website creator by editing '
◆ Animation API updated
Two APIs, ' ready ' and ' finished ', have been added to the animation API, and it is now possible to set appropriate processing when the animation plays and ends. In addition, it is also possible to set the composition of animations.
◆Added API to clarify contents that can be used offline
By using PWA, it is possible to build a website that works offline, but there was a problem that the user did not notice that it could be used offline and wasted time and effort in development. From Chrome 84, the Content Indexing API can be used, and by registering content that can be used offline even in this API, it is easy to appeal to users that 'the site can be viewed offline'.
◆The UI for requesting notifications will change depending on the quality of the site.
On malicious sites that mislead or force users to allow notifications, it will be changed to a UI that makes it easier for users to 'deny' with a popup requesting notification permission.

Equipped with wake lock API, evolved to prevent smartphone from sleeping
By using the Wakelock API implemented in Chrome 84, it is now possible to set the smartphone so that it does not sleep while opening the site. It is expected to be used on cooking recipe sites.
◆Change SameSite cookie settings
The standard setting for the scope of cookies was changed once in Google Chrome 80 , but it was once suspended due to the effect of the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19). Chrome 84 will apply this change again.
Chrome 84 also contains 38 security bug fixes .
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in Software, Posted by log1d_ts