I tried drinking and checking what kind of taste the summer-only golden red bull ``Summer Edition'' is

Red Bull Following the new “

White Red Bull ” for the first time in 4 years, the summer limited Red Bull “Summer Edition” will be released from June 16, 2020 (Tuesday). I arrived at the editorial department to find out what the taste of the red bull 'easy to drink even in the summer heat' in a golden can, so I checked it.

Red Bull Summer Edition :: Energy Drink :: Red Bull JP

A white box with the Red Bull logo arrived at the editorial department.

When I opened the box, there was a golden cosmetic box inside.

Inside the box were two classic Red Bulls and a summer limited edition Red Bull 'Summer Edition'.

I took it out of the box. Red Bull 'Summer Edition' is 185 ml, the same size as the standard 185 ml can.

The word 'Limited time' is on the top of the can.

No fruit juice.

Calories are 46 kcal per 100 ml, so 85.1 kcal per can. The salt equivalent is 0.12g, niacin 3mg, panthenoic acid 2.0mg, vitamin B6 2.0mg, vitamin B12 2.0μg, arginine 120mg, caffeine 43.2mg.

When I checked the regular version, the amounts of arginine and caffeine are the same, but it contains vitamin B2 which is not included in the summer edition.

When I opened the can, it didn't have the unique scent of an energy drink, but had a fluffy, fruity sweet scent. The scent is strong enough to be felt even in a remote place.

When I poured it into a glass, both of them have a yellowish hue, but the summer edition is more vivid than fluorescent orange.

Officially it says 'Pear and passion fruit are combined', but when I drank it, the closest one was pineapple. There is definitely a tropical feeling, so it's a summer feeling. The unique habit of energy drinks is not felt at all, and it has an atmosphere of “carbonated drink with fruit flavor”, so it is not enough for those who are looking for the taste of energy drinks, but conversely it is a very drink that everyone receives. It seems that the finish is easy.

The suggested retail price of Red Bull 'Summer Edition' is 190 yen (excluding tax), and it will be released from Tuesday, June 16th.

in Tasting, Posted by darkhorse_log