How does the new coronavirus spread differently between 'indoors' and 'outdoors'?

May 25, 2020, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is

an emergency situation declared the overall release of the declaration was. It is recommended to refrain from going out as much as possible in order to reduce the infection risk even if the emergency declaration is lifted, but Vox explains in the movie how the actual infection risk of the virus is different indoors and outdoors. I am.

How coronavirus spreads outdoors vs. indoors-YouTube

On January 23, 2020, a family of four traveled from Wuhan, Hunan, China, to Guangzhou, Guangdong.

A family of four ate at a restaurant in Guangzhou. At this time, it is known that one of the family members had already developed a novel coronavirus infection (COVID-19).

A few days after eating, the person who surrounded the table also developed COVID-19. In addition, COVID-19 also developed in the person sitting at the table next door. It was said that the distance from the person who was the source of infection to the person who developed the disease was up to 4.25 meters.

However, there was a table in the same restaurant where no one had COVID-19.

Subsequent research revealed that air conditioning in the store had a significant impact. Of the five tables, the top three are just the paths of the airflow produced by air conditioning, and it has been pointed out that the air bearing the new coronavirus circulated and the infection could have spread.

In many countries, curfew has been proclaimed with the declaration of emergency, and it is strongly recommended to stay at home except when procuring daily necessities. However, it is not dangerous because you are outdoors, nor is it safe because you are indoors.

The new coronavirus is said to spread due to flight infection. For example, when coughing, sneezing, or talking, small water droplets (splashes) containing the new coronavirus jump out of the mouth.

Most of the flying objects fall down by gravity, but small and light ones float in the air as they are, and when the water evaporates, the virus will float in the air for a while.

Of course, the lower your exposure to these viruses, the lower your risk of infection.

There are three factors to consider in order to reduce your exposure to the virus and your risk of infection. The first is ' distance from others ', and it is said that maintaining a 'social distance' of about 1.8 meters is important.

The second is “ contact time ”, which has a great effect on how long you have been in contact with others.

And the third is 'air flow'. As you can see from the previous case at a restaurant in Guangzhou, you can get infected when the virus is carried by the airflow, whether indoors or at a distance from other people.

The airflow circulates indoors, which can increase the risk of infection. Therefore, it is important to ventilate indoors and be careful not to circulate the airflow.

Vox is actually spraying a liquid containing a substance that reacts to UV light to see how much the fly adheres to the T-shirt indoors and outdoors.

As a result, many flying splashes adhered to the T-shirts indoors, but almost no deposits were seen outdoors. Vox claims that it was able to disperse the virus because the air is constantly flowing outdoors. In addition, it is said that the spread of viruses is suppressed outdoors by ultraviolet rays from the sunlight, wind, rain, etc.

Actually, there are 318 cases of COVID-19 outbreaks confirmed in China, but only one outbreak was reported outdoors.

However, it is not always safe because it is outdoors. It can be said that the risk of infection is low if there is no traffic ...

Just talking to someone outdoors can dramatically increase your risk of infection.

The risk of infection is reduced simply by wearing a mask to prevent it from being transmitted during a conversation.

In addition, while running and cycling seem to be safe because the virus flows in the airflow, it has been pointed out that the virus actually spreads easily in the '

slip stream '. For example, if a running man sneezes while covering his mouth with his arm ...

The flight is reflected in the airflow generated by a running man, and is reflected on a woman walking sideways.

Therefore, it is important to 'take sufficient social distance,' 'reduce contact time,' and 'wear a mask' in order to reduce the risk of infection outdoors.

'Going outdoors doesn't increase the risk of infection, it's about what each of us do.'

in Science,   Video, Posted by log1i_yk