Launched the Orbital Tester X-37B in response to missions such as 'Space Solar Power' and investigation of the effects of radiation on seeds.

The Orbital Tester X-37B , owned by the US Air Force and operated by the US Space Force in orbit, was launched from Cape Canaveral Air Force Base, Florida for its sixth mission. The total number of flight days of the X-37B has reached about 7 years, but details of what kind of mission it is doing have been hidden. This time, the Air Force also reveals the details of the mission.
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The X-37B is an unmanned orbital tester owned by two US Air Forces. After the first mission that flew 225 days from April to December 2010, he has been in space four times for over a year. I knew that the aircraft had undergone various scientific experiments, but details were not disclosed.

Air Force Secretary Barbara Barrett revealed that for the 6th mission, the service module for adding an experimental payload to the rear of the airframe will be used for the first time. Using service modules, your spacecraft's capabilities will be expanded and you will be able to do more than your previous missions.
In this mission, in addition to experiments using five experimental payloads in the FalcomSat-8 small satellite developed by the Air Force Academy, how cosmic radiation and other effects from outer space affect plant seeds and material samples It is revealed that two NASA experiments to investigate whether it will have an effect, and a experiment by the Navy Research Center on 'space solar power generation' that converts solar energy into microwaves and transmits them to the ground ..
In addition, seven other missions are scheduled to be launched within 2020.
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