'Dream story I had yesterday' deepens the relationship

The 'dream story' that people hear about is a story of a goal or ambition, and

I can't really hear that it is a fantasy story that I saw while sleeping. However, sharing what you dreamed of could lead to closer relationships with friends, relatives, and lovers, a psychology study reported.

Frontiers | Testing the Empathy Theory of Dreaming: The Relationships Between Dream Sharing and Trait and State Empathy | Psychology

A paper published in June 2019 by the Department of Psychology, Swansea University in the UK and Department of Cognitive Neuroscience and Philosophy in Skovde University in Sweden, states that the relationship will be deepened by talking about what kind of dream you have. A dream is a novel and realistic simulation that mixes characters, scenarios, and how you were feeling. Telling people who listen carefully to such dreams has the effect of creating strong mutual empathy.

In the research, three questions were asked about how often the dream was shared, how often to hear it, and how to listen to it, and the changes in the degree of empathy. The questionnaire included questions about reading habits so that you wouldn't be unaware of your research or your hypotheses.

As a result of the interview, the females showed more empathy overall than the males. In addition, the attitude when the dream was spoken, the frequency of talking/dreaming, and the frequency of recollecting the dream In terms of items, women recorded higher numbers. Also, excluding gender correlation, middle-aged adults reported higher empathy than younger or older adults. Excluding the difference in gender and age, and whether or not you remember the dream you had when sleeping in the first place, the correlation of purely 'whether you talked about your dream or whether your empathy increased after being told' was significant. It seems that it was shown.

The paper also introduces past papers on dream sharing and empathy, along with the results of the first study, but the correlation is skeptical. For example, many people have a high level of empathy when they talk about their dreams to other people or when they listen to people's dreams, and it is easy for them to share in their dreams and increase their intimacy. There is a possibility that not everyone can deepen empathy by sharing. In addition, a dream story is a bright opportunity rather than a dark tone, and it is possible that the relationship is deepened simply by 'communicating well'.

In order to confirm this, the second test was to verify whether 'there was a change in empathy before and after sharing dreams'. After telling the 27 participants that “one will share their dream and the other will discuss it,” the empathy score for the other party will be measured in advance and the dream will be discussed. It was. At this time, the steps such as 'speak aloud about dreams' and 'discuss how they felt about their dreams and what they can say in the light of their self-confidence' are instructed.

As a result, the score of empathy from the side sharing the dream with the listener is slightly reduced. On the other hand, the person listening to the dream has a higher empathy score than the person talking about the dream.

From the first research result, showing empathy with the other person and increasing intimacy is how often to talk about dreams, listen to dreams, and have a positive attitude toward dreams. It was shown to be significantly related to what to show. A second study concludes from the second study that it is important that either speaker speaks to the listener in order, rather than unilaterally talking to the dream. And even if it's a dream that you don't particularly want to share, just sharing a small portion of the dream you actually remember will affect your empathy.'

in Note, Posted by log1e_dh