Screenshots showing how 'new corona virus tracking system' by Apple and Google will be incorporated into OS released

As of April 10, 2020, Apple and Google can jointly identify and warn people who may have been in contact with people infected with the new coronavirus as a new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) countermeasure Announced ' New Coronavirus Tracking System '. Apple and Google are planning to incorporate the new coronavirus tracking system into iOS and Android, which are mobile OSs developed by both companies, and screenshots have been released to show how the tracking system will function. I will.

Apple and Google publish sample screenshots for their coronavirus tracking system-The Verge

The 'New Coronavirus Tracking System' jointly announced by Apple and Google on April 10, 2020 uses the smartphone's Bluetooth function to 'identify people who may have been in heavy contact with people infected with the new coronavirus.' System to warn. ' The 'New Coronavirus Tracking System' will first be provided with an API to be used by incorporating it in a mobile application, and then be incorporated into iOS and Android itself.

Apple and Google integrate `` new corona virus tracking system '' into iOS and Android-GIGAZINE

The technical details of the 'new coronavirus tracking system' proposed by the two companies, as well as questions about security and privacy, can be solved by reading the following article.

Answering questions about security and privacy that float with the `` new corona virus tracking system '' jointly announced by Apple and Google-GIGAZINE

The API for the 'new coronavirus tracking system' has already been released, and the Australian government-approved application 'COVID Safe' that uses this API has appeared.

The new coronavirus infection tracking application “COVID Safe” provided by Apple and Google has been released, what kind of system is it? -GIGAZINE

It is unclear when the 'new corona virus tracking system' will be incorporated into iOS and Android, but the already released beta version of iOS 13.5 already has the system embedded at the OS level.

A screenshot of the new coronavirus tracking system UI that will be built into the OS and how the notifications work has been released. Apple and Google share a library of reference codes for the new Coronavirus tracking system. The two companies are hoping that the new coronavirus tracking system will be a 'starting point' for app development by public health agencies. The two companies refused to reveal the names of the public sector partners who helped develop the new coronavirus tracking system, but said they were 'proactively approached by multiple government agencies.'

The app looks like this from public health authorities using the new coronavirus tracking system. Here's the Android version.

The iOS version looks like this. Basically, there is no big difference between Android and iOS, and users are always asked to share their personal information.

The flow of notifying the app of the test results of the new coronavirus is as follows. Here's the Android version.

The iOS version looks like this.

The notifications sent to 'People who may have had heavy contact with people infected with the new coronavirus' are as follows. Android version.

iOS version

The notification settings for the new coronavirus tracking system that can be performed from the OS setting screen are as follows. Android version.

iOS version

In addition, Apple and Google have shown some specific principles, the application using the new coronavirus tracking system is 'only usable for response work when infected with new coronavirus infection', 'location information The use of services is 'restricted' and 'user consent is required before accessing the API or sharing positive diagnostics'. In addition, apps that use the new coronavirus tracking system will not allow any form of targeted advertising, and existing apps that use targeted advertising or location services will use the API of the new coronavirus tracking system to You need to turn off targeted advertising and location services before you can access. '

In addition, Apple and Google plan to 'restrict the number of apps that can introduce the new coronavirus tracking system in each country' to prevent fragmentation of applications that use the new coronavirus tracking system.

in Mobile,   Software, Posted by logu_ii