OSS framework 'Phoenix Framework' that can easily develop web applications, also a movie that develops Twitter-like applications in 15 minutes

Frameworks for developing web applications include

Ruby on Rails, etc., but using one of those frameworks, the open source ' Phoenix Framework ', you can easily develop web applications.

Phoenix Framework

First, build the development environment. This time I will build the environment on Ubuntu 20.04.

Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa)

Phoenix Framework depends on the package management system and

npm for some functions, so install it in advance. Use PostgreSQL which is recommended by default for the database.


PostgreSQL: The world's most advanced open source database


Phoenix Framework uses the programming language

Elixir , so I installed it.

[code] wget https://packages.erlang-solutions.com/erlang-solutions_2.0_all.deb && sudo dpkg -i erlang-solutions_2.0_all.deb
sudo apt update && sudo apt install esl-erlang erlang-dev erlang-parsetools elixir [/ code]

In addition, Phoenix Framework has a live reloading function that automatically reloads content when a web application is updated, but it is necessary to install inotify-tools in order to use that function on Linux.

[code] sudo apt install inotify-tools [/ code]

Hex package is required to use Phoenix Framework, so execute the following command in the project directory and install it.

[code] mix local.hex [/ code]

Install Phoenix Framework. This completes the development environment construction.

[code] mix archive.install hex phx_new 1.5.1 [/ code]

Create a 'hello' project with Phoenix Framework.

[code] mix phx.new hello [/ code]

When executed, dependent packages are placed under the 'hello' directory.

Move to the 'hello' directory and create a database.

[code] mix ecto.create [/ code]

Launch the web app.

[code] mix phx.server [/ code]

When I accessed 'http: // localhost: 4000' with a browser, the welcome screen was displayed safely.

Next, let's actually create a simple web application. However, the Phoenix Framework has a function that automatically builds the necessary elements for a web application according to

MVC , so you can create something just by entering a simple command.

[code] mix phx.new test
cd test
mix ecto.create
mix phx.gen.html Accounts User users Name: string Age: integer Gender: string [/ code]

It is necessary to add the route manually, so add the route to './lib/test_web/router.ex'.

Apply the setting with the following command ……

[code] mix ecto.migrate [/ code]

Launch the web app.

[code] mix phx.server [/ code]

When accessing 'http: // localhost: 4000 / users' with a web browser, a web app for creating a list of users was displayed as shown below. Click “New User” ……

You can add users.

With this feeling, I was able to easily create a web application that manages users.

A movie that develops a web application such as Twitter in 15 minutes using the Phoenix Framework has been released.

Build a real-time Twitter clone in 15 minutes with LiveView and Phoenix 1.5-YouTube

The completed web application looks something like this, and it certainly has a timeline like Twitter.

In addition, ' Phoenix Live Dashboard ' that can check the version of the package group required for Phoenix Framework and the start time of the web application is also provided on GitHub.

GitHub-phoenixframework / phoenix_live_dashboard


in Software, Posted by darkhorse_log