The argument that the new type coronavirus infection is 'dangerous because the distinction between science and politics is lost'

Scientists and experts from all over the world have conducted research on the global epidemic of the novel coronavirus infectious disease (COVID-19) and have given various opinions.
Let's hear scientists with different Covid-19 views, not attack them-STAT
Prasad and Flier said, `` When you have to make important decisions, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, where there are often scientific uncertainties, you can silence experts with maverick views or treat them as villains We can't afford to do that, and worse, we cannot allow science, medicine, and public health issues to be replaced by political agendas, and we need more active academic debates than ever before. '' Insists.
Although various information about COVID-19 has been spread around the world. The Internet is filled with unfounded and harmful claims, including the conspiracy theory that the pathogen, new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), was created in the laboratory, and that it can be treated with snake oil.
In March 2020, Professor John Joanidis of Stanford University School of Medicine said, 'There is not enough information on the spread of COVID-19 and the fatality rate, and most of the information in the world is exaggerated. claims. also, 'and in the development of vaccine manufacturing and treatment think that it takes many months or years, long-term lock-down do not know the correct answer' both claim was.
It is pointed out that only the exaggerated information on the new coronavirus is drawing attention-GIGAZINE

Many people on social media made personal attacks and slanderous comments to Professor Joanidis, who skeptical about the data reported, claiming 'the effect of long-term lockdowns is unknown.' However, 'to tackle the COVID-19 issue, you should be willing to listen to what you think is wrong at first glance,' Prasad and Flier said.
COVID-19 and SARS-CoV-2 are often still unknown, and no expert knows perfectly. Based on the medical, biology, and epidemiology that they have so far, many excellent scientists have 'how quickly the virus spreads,' 'how deadly it is,' and 'how many people are infected.' I'm looking for answers to questions such as 'what is the immunity,' 'what kind of medicine is effective,' and 'should the government oblige them to wear cloth masks?' It can take years and many scientists' efforts to fully understand what COVID-19 is and how we should respond.
For example, some claim that COVID-19 has a fatality rate of around 0.2% to 0.3%, while others say it is around 1%. Some countries and municipalities enforce strictest possible lockdowns, while others , such as Sweden , have a social distance but little lockdown . “Scientists must be able to express a wide range of interpretations and opinions, and it's important to listen, consider, and discuss different opinions,” Prasad and Flier said.
There is also a counterargument with Prasad that there is a possibility that life may be lost by finding value in the wrong idea, in response to both claims that 'you should listen to various ideas'. Flier acknowledges. But 'there is a lot of uncertainty in the best behaviour. Suppressing or ignoring another view may cost more lives,' he said. The hurdles of repressing and ignoring scholars who are willing to discuss another position in good faith must be very high, 'says Prasad and Flier.
'Society faces even more toxic and deadly risks than COVID-19, which is that science has become indistinguishable from politics,' he said. It criticizes a lot of media for reporting the complicated scientific problem as 'the disagreement between the Republican Party and the Democratic Party' and simplifying it to the extreme political problem.

Prasad and Flier said, 'Important decisions about COVID-19 should be influenced by scientific considerations, regardless of political philosophy or affiliation of political parties. Insults are not allowed and must be discussed freely. '
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in Science, Posted by log1i_yk