What is the problem with the new coronavirus countermeasures that can be understood from the yellow fever epidemic of the 19th century when 'acquiring immunity' is as valuable as race and class?

As one of the countermeasures against the new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), the method of 'removing the restriction on going out from people who have already been infected and got immunity to return to society' is being considered in each country. However, in the 19th century New Orleans in the United States, where

yellow fever with a fatality rate of over 50% spread, 'immunity' became one of the social status, widening the gap and making some people unequal and dangerous. It is pointed out that it has been exposed.

The Privilege of Immunity-The Atlantic

In Antebellum New Orleans, Immunity From Yellow Fever Was A Form Of Privilege. Could That Happen With COVID-19? | Here & Now

With medical and public health not being in place as it is today, in the 60 years between the acquisition of Louisiana in 1803 and the Civil War that ended in 1865, 22 infectious diseases have spread in the American city of New Orleans. It is said that 10% of the population die every year.

One of the prevalent infections at this time was yellow fever. Yellow fever is an infectious disease mediated by mosquitoes such as Aedes aegypti, and the fatality rate is very high at 30 to 50%, and it was greatly feared by people. In such an environment, 'obtaining yellow fever's immunity' is one social status such as race and class, according to Catherine Oliverius, an associate professor of history at Stanford University. It seems that it has become. At the time, to win immunity 'Acclimated' ( acclimatization is called), the key to participate in the New Orleans society, things to have been regarded as a baptism of citizenship.

New citizens without yellow fever had difficulties finding homes, jobs, bank loans, and marriage. Employers hated to train newcomers who could fall victim to outbreaks, and the fathers of the family also wanted to avoid marrying their daughters to husbands who might die suddenly. In the 19th century, there were many things that were not understood about yellow fever, but it was understood that 'a person who once suffered from yellow fever acquired immunity.'

In New Orleans of the 19th century, outbreaks widened already existing inequalities. New immigrants who come to the city are so eager to seek jobs that they may be exposed to the risk of infection such as 'hugging a friend who died of yellow fever.' Wealthy people, meanwhile, left New Orleans during the epidemicous summer. Despite the fact that slaves are 25% more susceptible to yellow fever than non-slaves, all the profits earned by slaves have been for the owners. The white owner said, 'Black people are not naturally affected by yellow fever.'

Even in the modern United States where the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) is prevalent, data show that about 72% of all victims are black. It is believed that this is because black Americans are more likely to be in the service industry than whites, making it harder to stay social and work at home. 'It's hard to miss similarities to today's situation,' Oliverius said.

Why are the new coronavirus victims 'overwhelmingly black'? -GIGAZINE

In addition, for COVID-19, a method is being considered to 'return to work from a person with confirmed antibodies.' The British government is thinking about how to issue a certificate or wristband to those who have been confirmed to have antibodies in the test and lift the restrictions on going out, and the German government is also planning to issue an 'immunity passport'. I will. It was reported on April 10 that there is a similar discussion in the United States.

The question is how to operate such a large new system. There are always people who forge certificates or immune passports. And if the government admits returning to work from an immune person, employers prefer to hire someone who is immune, much like New Orleans in the 19th century. Many people have already lost their jobs due to pandemics, and it is possible that those who think that 'if you get immunity can get a job,' you risk yourself. Yellow fever accounted for 75-90% of the death causes of immigrants in the 19th century.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log