200 cars gather at the drive-in theater even on weekdays

As a countermeasure against the new coronavirus, facilities that attract many people, both in Japan and abroad, have been closed down or closed. Meanwhile, the number of people visiting the drive-in theater is increasing because it does not fall into the `` 3 dense '' of enclosed spaces, dense places, close scenes, and finally 200 cars gather even on weekday nights Has been reported to be.
Social Distancing Is Bringing Drive-In Theaters Back to Life-Atlas Obscura

Facilities where many people gather, such as movie theaters, due to new coronavirus measures are restricted in business or closed in the first place, while attracting attention is that you can watch movies without getting off the car `` Drive-in theater '.

According to Atlas Obscura , a source of information around the world, John Watzke, who runs a drive-in theater in Ocala, Florida, also feels that 'the industry may be in an upswing in recent years.' And that.
Mr. Watsuke renovated a 72-year-old theater by taking measures such as creating a buffer zone in the parking lot and changing the meal package as a measure against the new coronavirus. Thanks to that, Mr. Watsuke's theater is bustling enough to gather 200 cars on weekday nights. This is almost twice as exciting as usual, and some customers seem to spend more than two hours driving.
Although Florida has a curfew, Watsuke has been licensed by the governor and local police to continue operating under strict public health guidelines.
The US Drive-In Theater Owners Association has 305 theaters, 11 of which are licensed and open, according to Watsuke. However, since the work that was supposed to be released has been postponed etc., it is said that it is in a situation of contacting an independent movie company for a screening work.
Asked by Atlas Obscura about the value of social distance measures in theaters without having to raise tickets, Watzke replied, 'The employees can continue to work.' He said that he was another victim of Hurricane Katrina , and that he realized that mental stability was of paramount importance. Mr. Watsuke said that being locked up at home is like being `` punished for doing nothing '' for children, and if you can go to a movie in such a situation, even for a few hours He says he can live a normal life and feel less nervous.
Visitors are praising and impressing that Mr. Watsuke's theater is open for business. In the first place, Mr. Watsuke is a family of projectionists along with his grandfather, father, brother and children, and it is their way of life that 'the show must be continued'.
Mr. Watsuki rents the theater not only as a space for watching movies, but also as a place of worship twice a week at a nearby church. In addition, events such as graduation ceremonies can be held because the speech can be projected on a large screen and all the contents can be distributed live. In fact, it says the county Board of Education is considering implementation.
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