The audience and the performer's brain are synchronized when listening to music

It has long been known that the brain responds to music, but new research suggests that the viewer's and performer's brains are in sync. Things are emerging.

The averaged inter-brain coherence between the audience and a violinist predicts the popularity of violin performance-ScienceDirect

Early Research Suggests Our Brains Sync Up With Musicians' During a Performance

Researchers at the China Brain Education and Innovation Institute, East China Normal University, and others have used near-infrared spectroscopy to determine whether synchronizing the brain between the violinist and the audience could lead to playing popularity.

First, I asked the violinist to play 12 short songs of about 100 seconds, and analyzed the movement of the brain at that time. Next, we analyzed the movements of the brain while having 16 women watch the performed video.

The results showed that the brain- coherence was consistent between the violinist and the audience, indicating similar elevated activity at the same specific site in the brain.

There is also a striking correlation between how much you like a piece of music on average and the stronger brain coherence with the entire audience in the left temporal cortex, suggesting a Granger causal relationship. I also learned that the smaller the song, the more popular the song.

According to the researchers, this study is a small study that does not record brain waves in detail, but `` this study broadens the understanding of listening to music, '' the researchers wrote, Suggests that neural synchronization between the performer and the performer may serve as a fundamental mechanism for positively receiving musical performances. '

in Science, Posted by logc_nt