What should Singapore learn from only two people killed by the new coronavirus?

The epidemic of the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) continues to expand, with people infected in the United States and EU countries increasing day by day. On the other hand, as of March 27, 2020, Singapore has managed to keep the epidemic low compared to other countries despite its relatively close proximity to China, with
Why Singapore's coronavirus response worked – and what we can all learn
At the beginning of the article, Fischer stated that 'Singapore was ready for the new coronavirus,' explaining that the reason was due to the 2002 outbreak of SARS . During the SARS epidemic, numerous outbreaks occurred in Singapore. Superspreaders spread SARS coronavirus in hospitals and crowded wholesale markets.
'Singapore has learned from that history, and has been building isolation wards, adding negative pressure rooms to prevent hospital-acquired infections, and amending the law,' said Fisher. `` Since learning from the SARS crisis, Singapore has begun preparations since the discovery of the new coronavirus in China on December 31, 2019, and on January 31, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) We were ready when we declared our emergency . '

Among the measures Singapore has taken, Mr Fischer explained the important ones.
◆ Isolate infected people to hospital
Mr Fischer pointed out that it was difficult to keep the new coronavirus infected at home and keep it from spreading, and one of the most effective measures in Singapore was to `` keep infected at home. I didn't get it back. '
In Singapore, infected individuals are housed in dedicated isolation wards until COVID-19 is cured and tested negative. In addition, a 'contact follow-up team' has been formed to track the course of action taken by infected people and how they may have spread the new coronavirus. The contact tracking team will identify and test individuals with initial symptoms among those who have contacted the infected person.
Individuals who come into contact with an infected person but have no initial symptoms are subject to 'home quarantine.' Home quarantines are required to submit their location by clicking the SMS link that is sent several times a day. If we detect any fraud or leaving a smartphone at home, we'll switch to monitoring the visitor's home. Failure to do so may result in a penalty of six months imprisonment, a fine of S $ 10,000, or

◆ Consistent and regular communication
According to Fisher, Singapore has been sending a consistent message on the new coronavirus problem. The message is 'If you are sick, stay at home' 'If you come in contact with a COVID-19 infected person, get a test' 'If you need to go out, wear a mask' 'Cough' If you do, cover your mouth with your elbows instead of your hands. '' Avoid crowding indoors. '
A strategy has also been developed for the 'how to communicate' these messages, and it has been decided that 'only a few authorities, such as the Prime Minister and the Chair of the New Coronavirus Control Division, will announce.' The information released by the government is consistent, with the latest numbers of infected people, the spread of infections in other countries, and 'what the people should do now'.
In addition, it is said that an awareness campaign using manga is being conducted. The following is a manga published by the National University of Singapore that describes 'our duties and our occupation'. In this manga featuring Shuban Kumar, who works at the National University Hospital of Singapore, the words `` I have to cancel the photography for the wedding '', `` I must cancel my trip to Australia '', He calls his wife three months later, 'I'm sorry, I'm going home late today,' but also depicts a medical team heading for the field as a professional.

The manga, 'An Alternative to Handshake', recommends that you stop using 'handshake' and use other gestures, which can cause

The manga that educates the new coronavirus has been viewed more than 1 million times, and WHO seems to be translating it into other languages.
◆ Option not to close
Singaporeans want to continue living as usual, and believe that businesses, churches, dining facilities, and schools should not be closed. 'Success is a situation where those facilities are not closed,' says Fisher.
By the end of January 2020, all new public hospitals in Singapore will have the new coronavirus test available. Initially, the new coronavirus test was limited to those with respiratory symptoms or those who had contact with COVID-19 infection, but at the time of writing the article, medical staff had mild cold symptoms. It is said that it is possible to undergo inspection to the extent. In addition, if you are not in contact with COVID-19 and have only mild symptoms, you will receive a medical certificate to take 5 days off work, and a subsidy will be paid for non-regular employees.
◆ Systematization of authority
`` While it would be difficult to implement these measures in a larger nation with politically different systems, citizens should know their own roles, '' Fisher argued. It is important that authority is systematized. ' As an example, he said, 'Dialogue with other countries is the job of the government, but local problems should be solved by local governments.'
'It's important that leaders have a well-structured authority so they can communicate the right message as a team, so that citizens can feel more secure and uphold the rules.' Will be. '
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