'The new coronavirus is not as infectious as influenza,' said the WHO Executive Secretary, urging countries to find early detection of infected people important.


UN Geneva

At the opening address of the media briefing held on March 3, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) Secretary General Tedros Adanom said, ` ` New coronavirus infection (COVID-19) is as infectious as influenza. No. '

WHO Director-General's opening remarks at the media briefing on COVID-19-3 March 2020

At the beginning of the briefing session, Secretary-General Tedros gave me a happy news present that `` Today was my birthday and I had not reported a case of Ebola hemorrhagic fever from the African continent for two weeks, '' COVID-19 said. Report the current situation of. “To date, there have been 9893 cases of COVID-19 reported worldwide, with 3110 deaths. China has reported 129 cases in the last 24 hours, since January 20. Other than China, 48 countries reported 1848 cases in 24 hours, and 80% of these reports came from just three countries: South Korea, Iran, and Italy. New countries have reported new cases. '

'The situation will change, depending on the response of each country where newly infected persons have been confirmed, whether the number of infected persons will be small or the number of infected persons will increase explosively,' said Tedross. He noted the facts known about the new coronavirus that understanding the new coronavirus is the only way to counter the fear of people.

by UN Geneva

'COVID-19 is SARS , MERS cause, and the are you .COVID-19 also flu respiratory disease caused by a unique virus with different unique characteristics from the flu, from an infected person droplet infection common in that they spread 'However, there are differences between COVID-19 and influenza, ' said Secretary-General Tedros, adding to the differences between COVID-19 and influenza.

'The first difference is that COVID-19 has been shown to be less infectious than influenza, and influenza is the main cause of infection in people who are'infected but have no symptoms. ' COVID-19 is the main cause of infections, although COVID-19 is the main cause of the infection.According to a study from China, only 1% of all cases were asymptomatic, and most cases were It has been developed within 2 days, 'said Secretary-General Tedros, explaining that it is important to find infected people who are already symptomatic. 'The second difference between COVID-19 and influenza is the second difference between COVID-19 and influenza, although many people are immune, but COVID-19 is not.' He argued that the high lethality rate of COVID-19 was 3.4%, whereas the lethality rate of influenza was far below 1%, which also had immunity problems.

'The third difference is that there are vaccines and remedies for influenza, but not for COVID-19,' said Tedros. At this stage, he explained that there are ongoing clinical trials for COVID-19, with more than 20 vaccines being developed. 'The fourth difference is that seasonal flu cannot be contained, but COVID-19 can be contained,' said Secretary-General Tedros. They argued that countries need to track the status of COVID-19 infections to prevent infections.

Secretary-General Tedros also mentioned buying up masks and other items caused by rising demand and misinformation, and pointed out that prices of medical masks, goggles, medical gloves, etc. required by medical personnel are rising. And expressed concern about the loss of response capacity in each country.

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