Consumers will feel the products of companies that have done charity as 'safe'

Many companies fulfill their corporate social responsibilities by donating to charities, protecting the environment, and contributing to the communities in which they operate, rather than simply promoting profits. A research team at Michigan State University found that 'consumers feel that the products and services of philanthropic companies are' safe. '
Beyond Warm Glow: The Risk-Mitigating Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) | SpringerLink
A company's good deeds can make consumers think its products are safer

Companies that make money by providing consumers with products and services engage in a variety of philanthropic activities to fulfill their social responsibilities and communicate the results to society. Many companies are studying marketing at Michigan State University, hoping that these activities will improve their customers' impressions of the company and ultimately benefit more.
Good and colleagues asked a group of participants to read data about a particular company to investigate the impact of corporate philanthropy on consumer behavior and psychology. All company data was based on public information, and some of the data read by subjects included data related to the company's philanthropy and some data did not include items related to the philanthropy. thing.
Next, the team measured the subjects' perceptions of the risks they would consider when purchasing data-ready company products and services. As a result, it was discovered that consumers who gained knowledge of a company's philanthropic work were more likely to consider their products and services to be 'safer and higher quality.' is.

Regarding why consumers think that 'products of companies doing philanthropic activities are safer,' Good said that when he saw companies spending a lot of money to fulfill their social responsibilities, Companies are investing in long-term relationships with consumers. ' When companies show their sincere attitude to consumers, they think that 'this company will not deceive consumers and try to sell low-quality products and services.'
For example, if an airline is reported to have performed a charity, consumers will not only favor the airline, but also be aware that it is safe to travel abroad using that airline. Good claims that it is likely to have
Mr. Good also points out that investing in improving the safety of its products and services and making environmentally friendly products has a better effect on companies than conducting charitable businesses unrelated to products and services. You. 'Consumers want companies to give back to society, but more importantly, businesses create safe, high-quality products and services that have long-term benefits for consumers, the environment and society. That's the thing, 'said Good.

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