Researchers point out that it is necessary to seriously think about ``sex robots'' to eliminate the sexual desire of astronauts

Astronauts have the image of being ``chosen people'' who have undergone rigorous training, but just like ordinary people, they need food and sleep and have various desires. Researchers such as Simon Dubé, a psychology researcher at

Concordia University in Canada, say, ``We need to seriously consider how astronauts can manage their sexual desires during long-term missions.'' I am claiming.

Sex in space: Could technology meet astronauts' intimate needs?

Mr. Dubé, who studies sexual interaction between humans and machines, is interested in astronauts who are isolated in a closed space with a small number of people. Dubé points out that while space exploration and the exploration of planets other than Earth are human dreams, making space travel human-friendly and physically and psychologically viable is a major challenge. Masu.

Mr. Dubé argues that sexual relations with others and the resolution of sexual desire are basic human needs, and that sexual intercourse and sexual desire will be important issues in outer space, just as on earth. thinking about. Space agencies from around the world, including NASA, have stated that ``sex has never occurred in outer space before,'' but in recent years there has been a growing trend to explore the moon and Mars. It is thought that the period of time astronauts stay in space will continue to increase, and concerns about sexual relationships and sexual desire in space are increasing.

One of the key concerns is that during extensive space exploration and the construction of colonies on extraterrestrial satellites and planets, astronauts will be exposed to extended periods of physical contact, physical intercourse, and sexual desire with their partners. Opportunities are limited. It is expected that only a small number of well-trained people will be selected to become astronauts for some time, and the number of people who will board the spacecraft will not be large.

Even if you try to find a romantic partner in a small group environment, it can be difficult to find a partner that matches your personality, preferences, and sexual orientation. Also, even if you are lucky enough to find a partner, if you break up while in space, you will have to continue to carry out important tasks with your ex-lover in a closed environment for a long period of time, which can be dangerous. Teamwork and mood, which are important to accomplishing a mission, can also be compromised.

Of course, some astronauts may be able to maintain control over their sexual desires during long missions, but for many, prolonged abstinence can be physically and psychologically harmful. Therefore, the problem of sexual desire can be said to be an issue that must be addressed in proceeding with space development, but NASA is reluctant to address the problem of sexual desire in space development.

In 2008, NASA spokesperson Bill Jeffs

commented , ``We have not studied sexual desire in space, and there is no ongoing research.'' However, since sexual desire and physical intercourse are inseparable for humans, Dubé points out that NASA's position is irresponsible, saying, ``Astronauts cannot receive sexual stimulation or affection for a long period of time.'' 'How do we maintain the psychological well-being of astronauts?'

Dubé argues that one solution to solving astronauts' sexual desire problem is to ``make toys and machines available to astronauts to relieve their sexual desire.'' thing. And while sex toys can help relieve sexual desire, they don't satisfy the social need between you and your partner, which is where

erobots come in, Dubé says. I am claiming.

The term erotic robot refers to artificial virtual romantic partners and the technology that brings them into the real world, and includes sex robots, chatbots that engage in sexual conversations, and partners in VR space. That's what he said. Dubé said that `` Erobotics' ', which studies things such as sexual interactions between humans and robots, is a new interdisciplinary research field that has emerged in recent years.

Erobotics technology, including sex robots, has been criticized by some as ``harmful,'' but others have defended it, saying it has ``potential benefits in health, education, and applied research.'' . Dubé argues that Erobots are a practical solution to the challenges of space exploration and colonization of extraterrestrial planets. By thinking seriously about erotic robots, we can approach the issue of sexual relationships and sexual desire in space from a scientific and technological perspective, rather than a psychological theory that says, ``I'm an astronaut, so I should do my best to stay abstinent.'' They say it can be done.

Erotic robots not only provide astronauts with a means to relieve their sexual desires, but also act as virtual romantic partners, allowing them to relieve their anxiety and feelings of loneliness in human relationships. In addition, by incorporating sensors into the device, it will be possible to understand the health and psychological state of astronauts, and by linking it with a partner on Earth, it will be possible to have sexual relations with a partner far away. .

Dubé points out the importance of reaffirming the importance of sexual intercourse and desire in human life, and argues that erotic robotics can contribute to the space program. “We must abandon the taboos around technology and sexuality as we move toward the final frontier,” Dubé said.

in Science,     , Posted by log1h_ik