February 2, 2020 is the first day in 909 when dates are palindromes worldwide

Date notation differs from country to country.For example, January 3, 2020 is written as '2020/01/03' in Japan in the order of year / month / day, but in the United States it is month / day / year. It is written as '01/03/2020' in the order, and '03/01/2020' in the UK, Germany, etc. in the order of day / month / year. Regardless of this notation, February 2, 2020 will be a wonderful

palindrome , and several foreign media and the Internet said , ' February 2, 2020 is a global palindrome day ' The user is celebrating.

Today is the first global palindrome day in 909 years.Another one won't happen for 101 years.

#PalindromeDay: Geeks around the world celebrate 02/02/2020-BBC News

On February 2, 2020, the year, month, day (2020/02/02), month, day, year (02/02/2020), day, month, year Regardless of the order of (02/02/2020), the palindrome has the same meaning when read from above or from below. Before February 2, 2020, the date became a palindrome in three notations on November 11, 1111 (1111/11/11) 909 years ago. It will be 101 years later on December 12, 2121 (12/12/12/12).

As a result, the hashtag #PalindromeDay (palindrome day) has become popular on Twitter. Many users celebrated February 2, 2020, the date of the palindrome worldwide, as the day of the palindrome.

It is also a topic that February 2, 2020 is the 33rd day of 2020, with 333 remaining days in 2020.

In the case of Japanese style year / month / day order and American style month / day / year order, the date became a palindrome on November 2, 2011 (2011/11/02, 11/11 It's been 3014 days (more than 8 years) since 02/2011). The next palindrome with the date will be December 2, 2021 (2022/12/02, 12/02/2021).

On the other hand, in the case of British / German date / month / year notation, the date became a palindrome for the first time in 2903 days since February 21, 2012 (21/02/2012). The next palindrome is about one year later, February 12, 2021 (12/02/2021), and the next palindrome is February 22, 2022 (22/02/2022 )is.

When narrowing down to dates after January 1, 1000, the first date to become a palindrome in Japanese-style year / month / day order is October 1, 1001 (1001/10/01) On February 2, 2020 (02/02/2020), the 47th date since that date became a palindrome. In the English / German style notation in the order of day / month / year, February 67, 2020 is the 67th date of the palindrome.

in Note, Posted by logu_ii