Technology to treat arteriosclerosis with carbon nanotube `` Trojan horse '' will be developed



Results plaques on the walls of blood vessels, such as cholesterol (mass) has accumulated, blood vessels become hard and lose elasticity, clogged blood vessel arteriosclerosis the carbon nanotubes was set to 'drug by feeding the body, inside the artery It can be treated in a way that removes stiff plaque, 'researchers from Michigan State University and Stanford University said.

Pro-efferocytic nanoparticles are specifically taken up by lesional macrophages and prevent atherosclerosis | Nature Nanotechnology

Nanoparticle chomps away plaques that cause heart attacks | MSUToday | Michigan State University

There are various types of arteriosclerosis, one of which is atherosclerosis, a condition in which atherosclerotic (plaque) plaque develops on the inner wall of the artery, causing the arteries to harden. This atheromatous plaque is formed by oxidized bad cholesterol, which is taken up by white blood cells, called ' macrophages, ' that clean the body and accumulate on the inner walls of arteries. Although the detailed mechanism of plaque formation is not clearly understood, it is known that high levels of bad cholesterol in the blood or diabetes or hypertension can promote atherosclerosis.

by National Heart Lung and Blood Insitute (NIH)

Cells in the body, including macrophages, perform '

signal transmission ' to exchange commands and information by exchanging substances. A research team led by Brian Smith, an associate professor of biomedical engineering at Michigan State University, is conducting research on leukocyte signaling, and loading single-walled carbon nanotubes with drugs that inhibit specific signaling An experiment of injecting into mice was performed.

As a result, it was found that the macrophages were reactivated and swallow and eat the remnants of the cells stuck to the inner wall of the blood vessel together with the plaque. It was found that the plaque on the inner wall of the blood vessel became smaller with the reactivation of macrophages.

Smith describes the nanoparticle as a ' Trojan horse ' because of the mechanism that 'drugs are loaded into carbon nanotubes and sent into the body to remove plaque that causes arteriosclerosis.'

by Cazz

'We found that stimulating macrophages with drugs loaded on carbon nanotubes selectively eats dead and dying cells. This technique is not limited to atherosclerosis. `` In the future, clinical experiments using large animal and human tissue tests will reduce the risk of various heart attacks while minimizing side effects. Maybe you can. '

in Science, Posted by log1i_yk