The technology to take oxygen into the body by injection makes it possible to survive even with apnea for 30 minutes

Humans breathe and take in oxygen, red blood cells in the blood carry it throughout the body, and cells throughout the body generate energy necessary for life activities from oxygen and nutrients to maintain life. .. However, by injecting oxygenated particles into the blood, developed by researchers at the Boston Pediatric Hospital , it seems possible to maintain apnea and vital activity for 15 to 30 minutes. What exactly are these injectable particles?
Injecting life-saving oxygen into a vein --ScienceDaily
Dr. John Kheir, the leader of the team that developed the breakthrough microparticle injection technology, was in charge of a 9-month-old girl with pneumonia and respiratory failure. One day, when the girl's condition suddenly changed and Dr. Kheir and a member of his team rushed to the hospital room after hearing the nurse call, the girl was spilling a large amount of blood and her lungs were filled with blood. It took about 30 minutes to draw blood from the lungs, during which the girl who could not breathe became in cardiac arrest and became a person who did not return before replacing the lungs with a heart-lung machine. From this event, Dr. Kheir came to think that injecting oxygen intravenously could save the lives of patients with respiratory failure such as girls, and developed 'technology to inject oxygen into the human body'. The project will start.

Oxygen-containing fine particles developed in these circumstances can be injected into patients with respiratory failure so that they can survive without breathing. An ultrasonic processor is used to generate fine particles, which can mix oxygen and fat to produce fine particles with an average of 2 to 4 micrometers that are flexible and can flow smoothly even in capillaries. ..

Furthermore, it is possible to contain about 3 to 4 times as much oxygen as red blood cells that flow through the human body and carry oxygen throughout the body. However, injecting a large amount of fine particles at one time puts a heavy load on the body, so it will be possible to inject enough fine particles into the body to survive without breathing for 15 to 30 minutes. matter.
'This method of safely injecting oxygen gas helps patients in danger due to respiratory failure, etc. Also, for patients with respiratory distress, injectors in hospitals, ambulances, transport helicopters, etc. It may be possible to keep storeable oxygen in place, 'Dr. Kheir said. In addition, experts say that this technology could have a significant impact on military and oilfield drilling operations, as it allows them to work in the water for about 30 minutes without breathing. It suggests that this technology may be used. I'm really curious about how it feels to spend a long time in the water using this technology.

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in Science, Posted by logu_ii