EU is considering banning the use of face recognition technology in public places


Steve Jurvetson

It has been revealed that the European Union (EU) is considering temporarily banning the use of facial recognition technology in public places such as train stations, sports stadiums and shopping centers.

EU eyes temporary ban on facial recognition in public places | Technology | The Guardian

EU mulls five-year ban on facial recognition tech in public areas-Reuters

In an annual report of the European Commission , the European Union's policy enforcement body, it was revealed that the EU is considering temporarily banning the use of facial recognition technology in public places . According to the annual report, an initial draft on 'ban on face recognition technology' was compiled. The final version of the draft will be released in February 2020 after extensive review of artificial intelligence regulations.

The initial draft of the 'ban on facial recognition technology' is based on EU General Data Protection Regulations and 'uses not only automatic processing but also profiling-based use.' According to this, there is a possibility that 'a time-limited ban system will be introduced for the use of face recognition technology in public places'.


Franck V.

Specifically, 'The use of facial recognition technology in individuals or celebrities in public places is banned for a certain period of time (3-5 years), during which the impact of the technology and possible risk management measures will be developed and risk assessment will be conducted. A sound methodology can be set up for this, 'the initial draft wrote.

According to the British media The Guardian, 'One of the benefits of Britain's withdrawal from the EU is' artificial intelligence 'as the EU often tries to formulate policies that hinder progress in the field of artificial intelligence, such as the' ban on facial recognition technology. ' Advances in the field of intelligence ”. Many critics have also pointed out that the European Commission is 'too cautious about new technologies.'

by Hunter Moranville

Face recognition technology is one of the fastest growing fields in recent years. In the United Kingdom, several local police use facial recognition systems to match the faces of the public with those of the suspect. The system has often been the critic of the high false positive rate, but in September 2019 a high court in London said that the face recognition system used by South Wales police was `` human rights law or data protection law. '' It does not violate '.

London police are monitoring the public with a face recognition system with a false detection rate of 98%-gigazine

by PhotoMIX Ltd.

In addition, Germany is considering introducing facial recognition technology at 134 stations and 14 airports, and France plans to be the first EU member state to access government websites using a facial recognition system doing.

The European Commission is also considering setting a legally binding minimum standard for 'high-risk uses of artificial intelligence' in the medical, transport, police, and judicial fields.

A European spokesman refused to comment on the initial draft on the ban on facial recognition technology, stating that 'we will fully enjoy the benefits of artificial intelligence and enable scientific breakthroughs, We want to improve the lives of all EU citizens by maintaining corporate leadership, strengthening diagnostics and healthcare, and increasing agricultural efficiency. '

A spokeswoman added, 'To address the challenges of artificial intelligence while maximizing profits, Europe as a whole needs to work together and define its own and existing ways. Must serve the purpose and the people, so the trust and security of EU citizens is central to the EU's strategy, data is an essential ingredient for artificial intelligence, In order to generate wealth, we need to unlock and leverage the data generated in Europe, the EU is the world leader in most innovative areas, and Europe needs the tools needed to succeed in the industry. Everything is available. '

in Software, Posted by logu_ii