Canadian movie & photo summary closed to snow and despair with record breaking snowfall

A record-breaking bomb storm in Newfoundland and Labrador , located in eastern Canada, triggered a blizzard that updated a 24-hour snowfall record on January 18-19 , 2020. As a result, a huge number of pictures and photos of the streets closed to a tremendous amount of snow have been posted on Twitter.

Newfoundland asks for military help after record blizzard

Crippling Newfoundland, Canada, Blizzard From Bomb Cyclone Smashes All-Time Daily Snow Record | The Weather Channel

Photos show staggering snow pile-up in Canada after a weekend blizzard

This is how a blizzard hit Canada. The snowstorm has obstructed the view and almost nothing can be seen.

Record snowfall has closed the city of St. John's on Newfoundland to snow.

This is how snow is being removed from the road. Although it only looks like a snowy field, it is a highway used as a major entrance to St. John's City.

If you look at the video of the fixed point observation early, you can see that the car is buried in the snow in a moment.

It doesn't seem to be safe if you put it in the garage. When you open the shutter of the garage, snow is piled up to the last minute of the ceiling, so it is not very possible to get out of the car.

Opening the door to go to work, if there is such a snow wall, there is only despair.

Still escaped by digging snow.

Even if you finally get out on the street with this thought, it looks like this.

The road is surrounded by snow walls ...

You can see that the traffic is quite restricted, such as a snow tunnel.

Some people snowboard in the city and enjoy the situation.

St. John's is the oldest known city in North America and the Guinness World Record for being the foggyest city in the world, but this is the first time such snow has hit it. At St. John's International Airport , snowfall of 76.2 cm was observed in one day, and a 24-hour snowfall record was updated.

Iced fish falling on the roadside demonstrates how powerful the low pressure was.

Due to the heavy snowfall, St. John's declared a state of emergency at 11 am on January 17. Business and commercial facilities in the city have been suspended, and all city roads have been closed to emergency vehicles. The Governor of Newfoundland and Labrador, Dwight Ball, has called on the Canadian government to send troops.

Fortunately, the damage was small, and St. John's fire chief Shelley Colford told the Associated Press interviewed, `` Considering the amount of snow falling and the strength of the wind, the damage to the city is minimal. I can say it was. ' However, in a town called Bay Roberts in Newfoundland and Labrador, there was information that a 26-year-old man who went from his home to his friend's house was missing, and a hard search by police was carried out. It is said that.

in Note,   Video, Posted by log1l_ks