Netherlands declares 'Netherlands is not an official country name'

As part of its international image strategy, the Dutch government has officially announced that ' Netherlands is not an official name.' From January 2020, the only official name for the Netherlands will be 'The Netherlands'.
New international logo: NL with stylised orange tulip | News item |
Dutch government ditches Holland to rebrand as the Netherlands | World news | The Guardian
Holland no more: Dutch government officially drops nickname
There are multiple words that mean the Netherlands, such as 'The Netherlands,' 'Holland,' and 'Dutch.' Regarding the proper use of these words, there has been a tendency that 'The Netherlands' is used in formal situations such as official documents and government public relations, and 'Holland' is used in sports and casual conversations. Both 'The Netherlands' and 'Holland' have been used as official names in the Netherlands. In one example, the official website of the Dutch Tourism Board uses the domain name ''.
Dutch Holidays: Destinations, Tips, Travel

The word 'Holland' comes from the part of
The name 'Holland' is unofficial because of its branding strategy. A spokesman for the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs explained, 'In order to spread the culture, norms and values of the Netherlands, it was necessary to unify the names of the Netherlands,' said the government, the Dutch Tourism Board, private organizations such as the Dutch Industrial Federation, etc. Said that they had reached an agreement that 'The Netherlands' was the only official name.
According to the Guardian of the Great Britain, the name 'The Netherlands' will be used at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and at the Eurovision Song Contest, an annual national competition in Europe.
In addition, along with the revision of the official name, the 'Dutch official logo' was changed at a cost of 200,000 euros (about 25 million yen). The following is the old logo, 'Holland' was used as the country name. The flower on the left side of the letter is a tulip. The Netherlands boasts the world's largest tulip industry derived from the tulip bubble that arose around 1600, and is famous for its colorful tulip fields around spring.

The following is the new logo. The abbreviation of Netherlands called 'NL' is widely arranged. In the Netherlands, criticisms of 'Is it necessary to spend 200,000 euros?' Erupted against this logo.

The Dutch Tourism Board has announced a shift to a strategy that emphasizes the benefits to the region over the number of travelers and will close Spanish, Italian and Japanese bureaus at the end of March 2020 to cut budgets. schedule. After the closure, tourist information will be posted on the web.
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