Why are you still being chased by labor and housework as technology evolves?


Brian Merrill

With the emergence of automatic cooking pots that allow you to cook at the restaurant level with the touch of a button, and fully automatic robot vacuums , it has become easier to balance work and housework on each level than before. However, many people will not be able to afford more time even if they make full use of these time-saving products. There are three reasons for the busyness of modern people, according to the overseas newspaper The Atlantic.

Why Americans Are Always Running Out of Time-The Atlantic

According to Boston College sociologist Juliet Shore, housewives worked more and more in the 1920s, working 51 hours a week, compared to 52 hours a week in the 1950s and 53 hours a week in the 1960s. It is getting longer. Derek Thompson, who wrote an article about economics and technology at The Atlantic, said that despite the spread of electricity and appliances, housewives' working hours have been broadly divided into three. Three factors are involved.



◆ 1: As technology advances, expectations rise and more work must be done
According to Shore, people spend less than 10 hours a week cooking between 1920 and 1960, while the emergence of supermarkets has increased their spending time on shopping. 'Technology has made cooking easier and cleaning easier, but with the expectation of better food and cleaner homes, Thompson says,' I end up working 40-50 hours a week. It has to be done. '

Mr. Thompson also points out that Parkinson's law, which states that 'the amount of work expands until all the time given for completion is fulfilled,' may also apply to households. 'As expectations rise, the amount of work required to meet available time expands,' he said, suggesting that some aspects of leisure are being spent on unnecessary work.

◆ 2: Time runs out due to economic status
Valerie Lamy, an economist at the University of California at San Diego, said in a paper entitled The Rug Rat Race (PDF file) that `` U.S. parents who have been university-educated since the 1980s are: We have doubled the time we spend raising children. '

The figure below is a graph comparing 'how many hours a week a parent with college education spent in childcare' between Canada and the United States, with the upper and lower rows representing the mother and father, respectively. The dashed lines indicate that parental education hours in the United States have soared since 1995, indicating that more educated parents are spending more time raising children.

`` Middle and upper class parents are stuck with helping their children survive in undergraded college entrance exams and job hunting, '' said Thompson. Has been shown to be squeezing. Thompson is also spending time fighting to secure his position, taking up an article in the Wall Street Journal that `` Young YouTuber is getting burned out for survival ''. Generations of young people are no exception.

◆ 3 : Working system with long working hours
Shore asserts that despite the advancement in technology, the decisive factor that did not reduce women's working hours in the first half of the twentieth century was that husbands did not allow their wives to work outside, He said he wanted to work. Lamy's (PDF file) study confirms, 'Women's domestic work has decreased by one-third as a result of women's entry into the society since the 1960s.'

Thompson further pointed out that in the United States, 'modern labor law means that if you want to work full-time, you will have to work at least 40 hours a week, regardless of technological advances.' He says that he is obliged to work long hours, regardless of the age or family.

'How can you afford it?' Commented Thompson, 'If the laws, institutions and social expectations do not change significantly, things will not improve.' He pointed out that the situation surrounding the way of working would not be changed by legislation or the administration, and that the situation would not improve.

in Note, Posted by log1l_ks