Caffeine suppresses weight gain due to a diet rich in fat and sugar


Carles Rabada

During the year-end and New Year holidays, people often end up eating too much or lack exercise, but new research has shown that caffeine in coffee and tea can reduce fat accumulation. In a mouse study, individuals who continued to take caffeine had a lower rate of weight gain and body fat gain than those who did not.

Caffeine, but not other phytochemicals, in mate tea (Ilex paraguariensis St. Hilaire) attenuates high-fat-high-sucrose-diet-driven lipogenesis and body fat accumulation-ScienceDirect

Caffeine may offset some health risks of diets high in fat, sugar | Illinois

The results of this study were derived from a mouse experiment by researchers at the University of Illinois. When researchers continued to supply mice with mate tea caffeine for 4 weeks, they gained 16% less weight and accumulated 22% less body fat than mice given decaf mate tea is. Yerba mate is a popular drink in South America and is rich in phytonutrients ( phytochemicals ), flavonoids , and amino acids . The amount of caffeine per drink is 30-300mg per cup of hot coffee, while that of mate is 65-130mg.


Nathan Dumlao

During the experiment, the food given to mice consisted of 40% fat, 45% carbohydrates and 15% protein. Researchers performed similar experiments using coffee and synthetic caffeine in addition to mate tea, but the results were almost the same as with mate tea, indicating that the accumulation of body fat in mice was reduced. Was. The amount of caffeine taken by mice during the period was equivalent to '4 cups of coffee a day' when converted to humans.

To investigate this mechanism, researchers subsequently performed cell culture experiments in which fat cells taken from mice were exposed to synthetic caffeine and caffeine extracted from coffee and mate tea. The results showed that, regardless of the type of caffeine, lipid accumulation in adipocytes was reduced by 20-40% for all caffeine types.

In addition, scientists tracked the expression of multiple genes related to obesity and lipid metabolism, and showed that caffeine reduced gene expression of fatty acid synthase (Fasn) and lipoprotein lipase (Lpl) . Fasn is an enzyme used to synthesize fatty acids from glucose, and Lpl is responsible for encoding an enzyme that breaks down neutral fats. Researchers believe that suppressing the gene expression of these substances in the liver can reduce LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) and triglyceride production.

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'This finding suggests that mate and caffeine can help antiobesity.' 'Studies understand the role of mate and caffeine as potential strategies to avoid overweight and obesity.' So it can be extended to humans, 'said the researchers.

in Science,   Food, Posted by darkhorse_log